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Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting

Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Especially in the summertime here in Atlanta GA, the chances of getting a bug bite while spending time outdoors are likely. The main culprits? Bees and wasps! These stinging insects typically prefer to mind their own business, but there are times when they can and will sting people nearby. Many people call any type of sting a “bee sting”, but the truth is, wasps are responsible for more stinging incidents. While the reactions from their stings can be similar, the nature of when and how bees or wasps sting can be different. The stinging insect experts at Active Pest Control are here to help set the record straight on bee stings vs wasp stings—read on to learn more!

Did I Get Stung By a Wasp or a Bee?

Bees and wasps differ widely in appearance and temperament. What makes them sting someone, as well as how the sting feels itself, also differs by species. In general, bees are not aggressive and thus unlikely to sting unless directly provoked. Honey bees are the bees that will lodge their stinger in the person they sting, causing them to die shortly afterwards. Other bees can sting repeatedly, but it is rare for them to do so.

Wasp stings are known to be more painful than bee stings. This is due in part to the fact that wasps are capable of stinging repeatedly—often in the same spot. Wasps are more aggressive and will sting at will, especially when they are provoked or when their nest is threatened.

Bee vs wasp sting infographic

Wasp or Bee Sting Reactions

There are a number of symptoms associated with bee and wasp stings. Usually, the reactions to a sting by either of these pests are largely the same. After being stung, it’s important to remove the stinger (if it was lodged) and immediately clean the area with antibiotics. Some of the common reactions to a bee sting vs wasp sting include:

  • A sharp, stinging pain at the site of the bite.
  • Swollen, red bumps wherever a bite occurred.
  • Itchiness and irritation.
  • A numb feeling at the site of the bite.

More serious reactions can happen, especially if someone is allergic to bees or wasps. Anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting can start within two hours of the incident and rapidly get worse. Immediately get to a doctor if you start to break out in hives or have trouble breathing.

Who to Call for Wasp or Bee Problems

Bees and wasps are a normal part of our environment. In fact, they play an essential role in pollinating our flowers and foliage! That said, stings are a common occurrence in the spring and summer. If stinging insects build a nest on or near your property, it’s crucial that you contact a local bee and wasp removal expert to deal with the problem. Trying to get rid of them yourself can leave you vulnerable to being stung repeatedly. Contact the team at Active Pest Control today!

Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting in Georgia

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