Mosquitos – No Thanks: DIY that Doesn’t Work

a swarm of mosquitoes outdoors

As the weather warms in Georgia, we’re approaching the start of mosquito season. These blood-sucking pests are waking up from hibernation, and they’re traveling to look for hosts to feed off of

a swarm of mosquitoes outdoors

and places fit for breeding. There’s nothing worse than swarms of mosquitoes rendering your yard inhospitable – but what can you do? 

Some hesitate to call a professional mosquito exterminator, especially when there are so many do-it-yourself solutions being advertised online. Unfortunately, some of these answers may not be as effective as they claim. The experts at Active Pest Control are here to go through some of the most common strategies and tell you for certain whether or not they’re worth pursuing.  

DIY for Mosquitos: Life Hack or Wack?

There are a variety of DIY mosquito treatments on the market that claim to eradicate these pests without the need or cost of an exterminator. But in many cases, these products are not nearly as useful as advertised – if at all. Take the mosquito-repelling bracelet for example, a wristband infused with essential oils and other natural ingredients supposedly meant to deter the bugs. In actuality, one study shows that these bracelets are only effective to a radius of a few centimeters

This example creates a pattern that reflects onto a majority of home pest strategies. When asking if DIY pest control work, the answer is usually that it is: 

  • Applied incorrectly
  • Not strong enough
  • Still providing nesting spots

Mosquito Control that Works

There are certain forms of mosquito repellant that can work to a certain extent. It’s true that there are some scents, like Citronella, that mosquitoes don’t like. So if you plant the herb around the home or light a few quality candles made with the oil, you may lessen the presence of mosquitos around your property. 

While it’s not possible to remove all sources of standing water from your home, clearing out buckets, bird baths, and other larger surfaces will go a great distance in preventing mosquitoes from breeding. You can also go the extra mile and keep a few box fans running on your patio, or wherever else you plan on spending time outdoors. The constant current of air is not only pleasant on a hot day, but it also deters mosquitoes and other bugs from landing and getting comfortable in your space. 

These will help create an environment that mosquitoes won’t be attracted to, but it won’t do much to help an infestation that’s already spreading. So in that way there’s no question about it: if you want thorough mosquito removal in Georgia, you need the help of a trained professional.

Active Pest Control for Mosquito Exterminators in Georgia

When it comes to a pest as pervasive and potentially hazardous as the mosquito, there’s no such thing as being too careful. The expert technicians at Active Pest Control have been eradicating mosquito infections for 45 years, and we can use our ongoing training to provide the highest quality of service possible. DIY mosquito killers are a nice thought, but often too good to be true, and certainly not worth wasting money on. Instead, trust Active Pest Control to get rid of your pest problem for good. Contact us today to get started!

Mosquito Awareness for Springtime

mosquitos swarming outdoors

In Georgia, the normal mosquito season will run from March through to October. With January rain totals well above normal across the Southeast, it is a good time to take inventory of wheremosquitos swarming outdoors

standing water is, and what can be done to eliminate it. 

Are you one of the people that these little pests just love? You have started to plan all the events for your family and friends around the backyard that you have worked so hard to keep green and beautiful. You want fun pool parties, BBQs, and children’s playdates for your family and guests, not the biting, itching and discomfort of many mosquito bites. Just as you have taken the time to get your yards beautiful to the eye, now it’s also time to get ahead of mosquito season. Even though we probably never will be able to fully eradicate these pests from our planet, there are ways we can learn to deal with them. Let’s take a closer look at some facts you may not know about these little pests!

Mosquito Facts

  • GROWING UP: The mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg to adult in as little as 4 days, though most mosquitoes grow from egg to adult in about 2 weeks.
  • TIME TO BITE: After only two days as an adult, a female mosquito is able to bite.
  • LIFESPAN: Most male mosquitoes only live for two weeks. Female mosquitoes often live up to a month or more, but they can certainly cause a lot of problems during that short time!
  • FEMALE MOSQUITOES: Only the female mosquito bites people and animals to draw blood and obtain protein to properly develop her eggs. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at one time.
  • DISEASES: Mosquitoes carry diseases like Zika Virus, West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
  • WATER WORLD: In one way or another, mosquitoes’ lives revolve around a water source. All mosquitoes require water during their egg, larval, and pupal stages for maturation. As an adult, the female lays her eggs in the water.
  • SPECIES: There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes. 63 of these species live in Georgia and are still biting.

How Can I Prepare for Mosquito Season?

Combat mosquitoes and other pests by following these simple tips and tricks.

  • Cut grass and shrubs short, as adult mosquitoes gather to rest in shady, cool areas.
  • Keep your yard weed-free and avoid overgrown vegetation.
  • Keep swimming pools clean, and properly circulating.
  • Regularly empty ponds, bird baths, fountains, plant pots, buckets, or anywhere else that water may gather.
  • Drill holes in tire swings, trash cans, or recycling bins so water drains out.
  • Clean out gutters to avoid standing water and examine them for any damage that would cause water to collect.
  • Check sprinkler heads in your sprinkler system for leaks and standing water.
  • Check outdoor faucets for leaks.

Whether it’s just nuisance-biting behavior or the mosquitos are transmitting disease-causing pathogens, precautions should be taken. Lastly, residents should make sure all screens are in place and in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from getting into our homes as we open windows again. Prevention can go a long way in avoiding mosquitoes around our homes and neighborhoods.

Mosquito Control in Georgia

At Active Pest Control, we provide comprehensive pest control services to help keep insects away from your home in the spring and all year round. If you’re not able to enjoy your outdoor space because of swarming insects, we can help. We’ve been exterminating pests in Active Pest Control for over 45 years.  Contact us today for your free quote.