Mosquito Awareness for Springtime

mosquitos swarming outdoors

In Georgia, the normal mosquito season will run from March through to October. With January rain totals well above normal across the Southeast, it is a good time to take inventory of wheremosquitos swarming outdoors

standing water is, and what can be done to eliminate it. 

Are you one of the people that these little pests just love? You have started to plan all the events for your family and friends around the backyard that you have worked so hard to keep green and beautiful. You want fun pool parties, BBQs, and children’s playdates for your family and guests, not the biting, itching and discomfort of many mosquito bites. Just as you have taken the time to get your yards beautiful to the eye, now it’s also time to get ahead of mosquito season. Even though we probably never will be able to fully eradicate these pests from our planet, there are ways we can learn to deal with them. Let’s take a closer look at some facts you may not know about these little pests!

Mosquito Facts

  • GROWING UP: The mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg to adult in as little as 4 days, though most mosquitoes grow from egg to adult in about 2 weeks.
  • TIME TO BITE: After only two days as an adult, a female mosquito is able to bite.
  • LIFESPAN: Most male mosquitoes only live for two weeks. Female mosquitoes often live up to a month or more, but they can certainly cause a lot of problems during that short time!
  • FEMALE MOSQUITOES: Only the female mosquito bites people and animals to draw blood and obtain protein to properly develop her eggs. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at one time.
  • DISEASES: Mosquitoes carry diseases like Zika Virus, West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
  • WATER WORLD: In one way or another, mosquitoes’ lives revolve around a water source. All mosquitoes require water during their egg, larval, and pupal stages for maturation. As an adult, the female lays her eggs in the water.
  • SPECIES: There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes. 63 of these species live in Georgia and are still biting.

How Can I Prepare for Mosquito Season?

Combat mosquitoes and other pests by following these simple tips and tricks.

  • Cut grass and shrubs short, as adult mosquitoes gather to rest in shady, cool areas.
  • Keep your yard weed-free and avoid overgrown vegetation.
  • Keep swimming pools clean, and properly circulating.
  • Regularly empty ponds, bird baths, fountains, plant pots, buckets, or anywhere else that water may gather.
  • Drill holes in tire swings, trash cans, or recycling bins so water drains out.
  • Clean out gutters to avoid standing water and examine them for any damage that would cause water to collect.
  • Check sprinkler heads in your sprinkler system for leaks and standing water.
  • Check outdoor faucets for leaks.

Whether it’s just nuisance-biting behavior or the mosquitos are transmitting disease-causing pathogens, precautions should be taken. Lastly, residents should make sure all screens are in place and in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from getting into our homes as we open windows again. Prevention can go a long way in avoiding mosquitoes around our homes and neighborhoods.

Mosquito Control in Georgia

At Active Pest Control, we provide comprehensive pest control services to help keep insects away from your home in the spring and all year round. If you’re not able to enjoy your outdoor space because of swarming insects, we can help. We’ve been exterminating pests in Active Pest Control for over 45 years.  Contact us today for your free quote.

Are Seasonal Allergies Triggered by Pests?

Cockroaches may trigger your seasonal allergies in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlSpringtime in Georgia is beloved, but seasonal allergies can be a serious pain. Millions of people suffer from stuffy noses and itchy eyes every year. However, what if it’s more than the trees and blooms causing your flare-ups? Believe it or not, pest allergens are a major trigger for allergies and asthma. Some types of pests, including roaches and dust mites, can be troublesome for people with allergies. May is National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month! The team here at Active Pest Control is committed to keeping our customers safe from all dangers of pests–allergies included. Read on to learn our top tips for preventing pest allergens in your home.

Pests & Seasonal Allergies

Over the past few decades, research has shown that certain types of pests may trigger allergies in people. The main culprit? The cockroach! Roach droppings, saliva, shed skin, and other parts contain allergen proteins. When you have a cockroach problem in your home or business, those allergens can contribute to allergic reactions and trigger asthma symptoms, particularly in children!

Along with cockroaches, some species of stinging insects (yellow jackets, wasps, fire ants, and more) can cause reactions in people. Symptoms range from itching and hives to more serious conditions. In any case, it’s important to act immediately and seek medical attention if you experience severe symptoms of an allergic reaction: swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or trouble breathing.

6 Steps to Remove Pest Allergens

To prevent pest allergens, you need to prevent pests altogether! Simple pest prevention methods can work to reduce the number of pest allergens in your home. Our top tips include:

  1. Seal cracks and holes in your property, including entry points for utilities and pipes, screen doors, and windows.
  2. Store food in sealed containers and clean kitchens on a daily basis.
  3. Dispose of garbage regularly and use a tight-fitting lid on the can.
  4. Keep your basements and crawl spaces well-ventilated and free of moisture problems.
  5. Wash blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water or get them dry-cleaned.
  6. Vacuum and dust your property as often as reasonably possible.

How to Prevent Pest-Related Allergies

Pest infestations can be hazardous for a number of reasons. If you want to avoid the many dangers of pests year-round, allergies included, it’s best to team up with your local exterminators. At Active Pest Control, we are dedicated to keeping our communities pest-free and families safe from the dangers pests bring all year long. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Springtails Everywhere

There are a few common misconceptions about springtails in the Atlanta area. These misunderstandings can prevent people from acting against the nuisance they can cause. Just because Springtails are not dangerous or harmful to your health, it doesn’t mean they won’t cause big – and expensive – headaches. Active Pest Control warns against these year-round pests.

What are Springtails

They aren’t fun critters, as their names suggest. Springtails are tiny bugs that are no bigger than 6 mm. That is about as big as a pearl. Springtails get their name from spring-like feature they have on the underside of their bellies. When the springtail is irritated or disturbed, the bug springs into the air.

What do springtails look like?

Springtails are wingless bugs that are often cream colored to light brown. The springtail has an oval head and four antennae. The bodies are soft, so when you see one, feel free to crush it.
Dangers of springtails

There are no reported health risks to humans associated with springtails. They do not bite or scratch, they do not sting, and do not carry disease. Springtails won’t damage your home or furnishings either. What they can do, however, is take over quickly and spread throughout your home. Once springtails are in and take over, they are difficult to control without professional support and services.

Where springtails thrive

Springtails like it wet, muggy, and humid but can thrive in any environment. That means they can be found all throughout your home. Springtails are attracted to basements, attics, bathrooms, and in any other moist and dark areas. Springtails can be found inside or outside your home. Once springtails find a cool and comfortable space, they reproduce quickly.

Springtails go inside or hide under porches and decks when the weather heats up outside. This is because springtails are looking for wet, moist areas. It is not uncommon to find springtails in the following areas:

  • Soil, moss, mulch, and leaves around the home
  • In wet basements
  • Near Jacuzzis and outdoor pool areas
  • In plants and their pots
  • In building materials
  • In bathrooms

Wherever humidity is present in and around your home, that is where you can find springtails.

What do springtails eat?

Springtails feast on decaying plants and flowers, mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungi. They can also find satisfaction in rotting roots and wet soils.

Should You Be Concerned?

So, they are small and they don’t cause harm or damage. Should you worry about springtails? Yes. You should treat all nuisances and pests the same. They don’t belong in your home. Once a springtail community starts to thrive, it doesn’t take long before the population explodes.

Springtail populations can reach as many as 50,000 bugs per 1 cubic feet of dense forest area, and nearly 3,000 per square foot around your home.

These bugs reach high populations quickly, which means prevention is your best plan of attack against an invasion. Year-round services offered by the ones at Active Pest Control is the best defense when combined with easy housekeeping strategies. Reduce humidity in areas in your home, inspect wet and dark corners, dry out areas with excessive moisture, and call Active Pest Control.

7 Ways To Prevent Pests This Spring

Are you looking for help with home pest control in Rome, GA? We are here to help you get started on protecting your home from pests this spring season. As the weather warms up, pests will begin to emerge, looking for food, water and possibly a new shelter. If they can find access into your home, then they have hit the jackpot. Your home provides a large, warm sheltered area to live and hide out in. There is plenty of food sources and water that is available, no matter what season. If pests find these items, food, warmth and water, then your home will become the new hot spot for pests. They will try their best to stay out of your sight, adapt quickly and start to multiply. This means that by the time you notice pests in your home, there could already be a full infestation in your walls, attic, basement or crawl space.

Here are seven helpful tips to keeping your home pest free this spring season:

  1. The first step to keeping pests out of your home is to not allow them access into your home. This means making sure to seal up any cracks on the exterior of your home. There may be cracks or gaps found around venting, window, doors, piping and wiring. You may also want to double check your foundation for any entry ways. These gaps do not have to be very big to let pests in.
  2. You are also going to want to make sure that all your food is sealed in airtight containers. If pests do get into your home, you are not going to want to give them access to any food sources. This also applies to pet food as well.
  3. Make sure that you also seal up trash containers inside and outside your home. Rodents, like raccoons, are notorious for getting into trash around homes.
  4. When you are landscaping this spring, make sure that shrubs, bushes and trees are well groomed and kept away from your home. These items can help make a bridge for pests to cross to get into your home. They also offer a good hiding place for pests while they forage around your home for food.
  5. Store any wood items at least 20 feet from your home. Wood piles attract pests, like termites and carpenter ants, to your home.
  6. Make sure that your home has proper venting in attics and crawl spaces so that there is no moisture build up. Also, make sure to fix any leaking pipes as soon as possible. Pests are attracted to moist areas in your home.
  7. If you would like help dealing with home pest control in Rome, you can contact a local professional pest exterminator to help you eliminate pests and setup a year-round pest control program to protect your home.

Rome pest control can be a daunting task. Take your time and call a professional, if you would like assistance dealing with pests. Don’t let pests put a damper on your spring, call the pest professionals at Active Pest Control today to learn more about spring pest prevention and control!

Spring Bug Control In Chattanooga

Do you like it when bugs crawl all over everything? Of course not. No one does. But a surprising number of people put up with it every year. Make this the year that you say, “enough is enough, bugs!” Okay. You don’t have to actually say it. But you should look into partnering with your local pest management company.

When the temperature begin to warm up, those bugs that are living in your attic, wall voids, garage, and basement, are going to start looking for food. Going months without eating tends to make you a little hungry. That means the box elder bugs, cluster flies, stink bugs, lady bugs, wasps, and other overwintering pests are going to start coming out of the woodwork. They’ll be crawling on your kitchen walls, dying on your window sills, flying through your living room, and getting into everything.

Some of these pests are just a nuisance, but others can be a menace to your family. Cluster flies can spread illness and have you staying home from work with flu like symptoms. Wasps can have you running to the hospital with a screaming kid. And if you have the misfortune of running into a swarm of termites or carpenter ants, you’ll think the end of the world has finally come.

Prepping for the spring invasion is simpler than you think. Gingerly slip your hand into your pocket or pocket book, and gently slide out your phone. Now tap in the number for Active Pest Control. It’s 423-414-2736. Talk to the friendly person on the other side, and have them come and do an inspection. See? Easy. Hold on. Why are you looking at me that way? Are you worried about cost? Active Pest Control has packages starting at only $30. If you buy a coffee every day for an entire month, you’re going to spend around $45. Having a home with no bugs in it is way sweeter than a cup of coffee.

Stop and think about all the time this year you’ve dealt with pests. Did you have to deal with flies in the kitchen? Lady bugs all over your walls? Cockroaches in the pantry? Ants in the cabinet? Mice leaving droppings in your drawers? Pests can make you sick, eat your home, and bite and sting. When you have Active Pest Control protecting you, you can sleep easy–and not wake up with a hard shelled cricket crawling on your neck. Get your walls sealed, and keep those pests outside, where they belong. It’s just better that way.