Mosquito Awareness for Springtime

mosquitos swarming outdoors

In Georgia, the normal mosquito season will run from March through to October. With January rain totals well above normal across the Southeast, it is a good time to take inventory of wheremosquitos swarming outdoors

standing water is, and what can be done to eliminate it. 

Are you one of the people that these little pests just love? You have started to plan all the events for your family and friends around the backyard that you have worked so hard to keep green and beautiful. You want fun pool parties, BBQs, and children’s playdates for your family and guests, not the biting, itching and discomfort of many mosquito bites. Just as you have taken the time to get your yards beautiful to the eye, now it’s also time to get ahead of mosquito season. Even though we probably never will be able to fully eradicate these pests from our planet, there are ways we can learn to deal with them. Let’s take a closer look at some facts you may not know about these little pests!

Mosquito Facts

  • GROWING UP: The mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg to adult in as little as 4 days, though most mosquitoes grow from egg to adult in about 2 weeks.
  • TIME TO BITE: After only two days as an adult, a female mosquito is able to bite.
  • LIFESPAN: Most male mosquitoes only live for two weeks. Female mosquitoes often live up to a month or more, but they can certainly cause a lot of problems during that short time!
  • FEMALE MOSQUITOES: Only the female mosquito bites people and animals to draw blood and obtain protein to properly develop her eggs. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at one time.
  • DISEASES: Mosquitoes carry diseases like Zika Virus, West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
  • WATER WORLD: In one way or another, mosquitoes’ lives revolve around a water source. All mosquitoes require water during their egg, larval, and pupal stages for maturation. As an adult, the female lays her eggs in the water.
  • SPECIES: There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes. 63 of these species live in Georgia and are still biting.

How Can I Prepare for Mosquito Season?

Combat mosquitoes and other pests by following these simple tips and tricks.

  • Cut grass and shrubs short, as adult mosquitoes gather to rest in shady, cool areas.
  • Keep your yard weed-free and avoid overgrown vegetation.
  • Keep swimming pools clean, and properly circulating.
  • Regularly empty ponds, bird baths, fountains, plant pots, buckets, or anywhere else that water may gather.
  • Drill holes in tire swings, trash cans, or recycling bins so water drains out.
  • Clean out gutters to avoid standing water and examine them for any damage that would cause water to collect.
  • Check sprinkler heads in your sprinkler system for leaks and standing water.
  • Check outdoor faucets for leaks.

Whether it’s just nuisance-biting behavior or the mosquitos are transmitting disease-causing pathogens, precautions should be taken. Lastly, residents should make sure all screens are in place and in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from getting into our homes as we open windows again. Prevention can go a long way in avoiding mosquitoes around our homes and neighborhoods.

Mosquito Control in Georgia

At Active Pest Control, we provide comprehensive pest control services to help keep insects away from your home in the spring and all year round. If you’re not able to enjoy your outdoor space because of swarming insects, we can help. We’ve been exterminating pests in Active Pest Control for over 45 years.  Contact us today for your free quote.

10 Tips to Keep Your Backyard Pest-Free

Servicing a backyard in Georgia - Active Pest ControlSpring and summer in Georgia come with a lot to be excited about. However, the warm weather and sunshine following rainfall lead to all kinds of pest problems in our region. It’s important to be able to stop pests from finding food sources, shelter, and breeding grounds in your backyard, because without any effort put into pest prevention, your background will be overrun with pests for most of the year. If you’re wondering how you can pest-proof your backyard, read on for advice from our expert exterminators at Active Pest Control!

10 Tips to Make Your Backyard Pest-Free

Our climate allows for all kinds of pests to thrive throughout the year, so it’s important to have a pest prevention plan that accounts for all kinds of infestations. Here are our top 10 pest prevention tips for Georgia residents:

  1. Mow the lawn often: Mowing once a week can prevent overgrowth that creates excess standing water pooling and ample insect hiding places.
  2. Trim your plants: Make sure your trees, bushes, and shrubs aren’t overgrown. This can lead to shaded hiding places that are particularly attractive to mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and more.
  3. Get rid of yard waste: Piles of yard waste can provide shelters that lead to all kinds of pest infestations, from ants all the way up to rodents and wildlife.
  4. Clear out standing water: Mosquitoes breed in pools of standing water, no matter how small. Make sure to pour it out or cover it when you find rainwater pooling in gutters, planters, tarps, buckets, your lawn, or elsewhere.
  5. Use garden nets: Garden netting can protect the plants that would otherwise attract all kinds of insects and wildlife.
  6. Dethatch your lawn: A thin layer of thatch is helpful for your lawn’s temperature regulation, but too much of it can suffocate your lawn and lead to all kinds of pest problems. Dethatch your lawn and use a nitrogen fertilizer to prevent excess buildup.
  7. Water your lawn carefully: Overwatering and underwatering can both lead to different kinds of pest problems, so it’s important to know exactly how much water your lawn needs. Setting up an irrigation system or sprinkler system will regulate this quantity for you.
  8. Store firewood up and away: Firewood laying around by the side of your home can quickly lead to a devastating termite infestation. To prevent this from happening, store your firewood off of the ground, away from your home, and covered if possible.
  9. Keep bins closed: Pests as small as wasps and as big as raccoons love to forage in our trash cans for food. Seal them if possible, but definitely keep them as far away from your yard and home as possible.
  10. Hire an exterminator: A professional pest control technician can assess your yard for active vulnerabilities that could lead to pest infestations.

Pest Control for Your Backyard in Georgia

If you want to feel confident that your yard won’t fall victim to pest infestations this spring and summer, reach out to your local pest control company. At Active Pest Control, our highly trained technicians are well-versed in control and prevention strategies for the many insects, arachnids, and wild animals living in Georgia. We can set up a plan to keep your yard pest-free year-round. Contact us today for a free quote!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Me?

What mosquitoes look like in Georiga - Active Pest ControlDo you consider yourself a “mosquito magnet?” While it seems that some of us are much more favorable to mosquitoes than others, we still don’t understand all of the intricacies of mosquito preferences. That said, we do have some advice for people looking to avoid mosquitoes around Atlanta GA this spring and summer. Read on to learn more about preventing mosquito bites with the mosquito exterminators at Active Pest Control!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Certain People?

Experts still aren’t sure how to precisely predict who will be more susceptible to mosquito bites than others. However, we do know that the more physical activity we engage in outdoors around mosquito breeding grounds, the more likely we are to experience bites. This is because of the three things mosquitoes sense for when looking for hosts to feed on:

  1. Breath: Carbon dioxide in the air tips off mosquitoes to potential hosts. When we exhale, we release CO2 that signals to mosquitoes that we are eligible for bites, and heavy breathing after exercise results in a stronger signal.
  2. Body odor: Strong perfumes, dietary choices, and most notably, perspiration all contribute to our body odor, which mosquitoes seek out.
  3. Temperature: Engaging in physical activity or wearing dark clothing in the sun can increase our body temperature, letting off an easily detectable signal.

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Atlanta GA

We can’t just hide inside all spring and summer to avoid mosquito bites, so what can we do to save our skin while getting out in the sun? There are a few measures you can take to lessen your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes this year:

  • Look out for standing water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and will use even the smallest pools of it to grow their numbers. Check around your yard for standing water buildup in gutters, planter boxes, and anywhere else rainwater collects. You should also avoid outdoor activities by bodies of standing water at dawn and dusk, the times mosquitoes are most active.
  • Choose the right clothes: Dark colors trap heat and raise your body temperature, so wear white or light-colored clothing if you’re worried about mosquito bites. Although it can be uncomfortable in the heat, wearing pants or long-sleeved shirts will greatly reduce your chances of bites, too.
  • Use bug spray: An EPA-approved insect repellent using DEET or picaridin can safely protect you from mosquito bites. If you’re looking for all-natural alternatives, we recommend lemon-eucalyptus and citronella oils.

Professional Mosquito Control Services Help

If you are stuck dealing with mosquito bites year after year around your home or business in Atlanta GA, it’s time to put that cycle to rest. The mosquito exterminators at Active Pest Control can set up a mosquito barrier treatment around your property, preventing mosquitoes from breeding on the premises and keeping their numbers low for months at a time. To learn more about our mosquito extermination program and receive a free quote, get in touch today!

Prepare for Higher Pest Activity this Fall-Winter

Rats in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlEach season comes with its own kind of pest problems here in Atlanta GA. Differences in temperature, rainfall, plant growth, and even barometric pressure can affect the levels of pest activity and kind of active pests in the area. This means that taking the right steps to ward off pests takes different forms throughout the year, changing with the seasons. As we start to watch the vibrant colors of fall fade into winter, we can’t forget to adapt our routines to prevent newly-arising pest issues. Learn how with Active Pest Control!

Fall and Winter Pests in Atlanta

Did you notice the increase in rainfall this autumn? Atlanta has seen a steady increase in rainfall over recent years, leading to inflated pest issues. Mosquitoes, in particular, have been thriving in the wetter environment. Because they breed in standing water, pooling rainfall leaves them with ample opportunities to proliferate and multiply their populations’ numbers.

Once average temperatures drop below 50 degrees, though, mosquitoes give way to rodents as the primary pests to worry about. Looking for warmth and shelter for the winter, mice and rats will look for any ways that they can get into our homes. With the ability to squeeze through tiny holes, rodents can sneak into our walls, attics, and crawl spaces through gaps that we don’t even notice are there.

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recently put out their biannual Bug Barometer. Read the full report here.

2021 Bug Barometer - Active Pest Control

How to Prevent Pests in Fall and Winter

As the nature of active pests changes, our prevention strategies have to change too. There are three main measures that you can take to ensure that you don’t deal with any infestations during the colder months:

  1. Check around your home for entry points that could invite rodents indoors. These could be cracks in your foundation and walls, broken roofing or vents, or gaps around windows and doors.
  2. Keep your yard in order. It’s important to keep your grass cut low to eliminate standing water from pooling up and hosting pests. Yard waste and firewood piles can also create temporary shelters for rats and mice.
  3. Don’t leave out food or trash. Use covered, sealable bins for your garbage and take them out often. When you’re done eating, clean dishes and any spills promptly and store your food in airtight containers.

Professional Pest Control for the Atlanta Winter

If your DIY pest prevention strategies aren’t cutting it, contact your local pest control company to see how they can help. At Active Pest Control, we train our technicians with information that we’ve gathered over decades protecting homes in and around Atlanta. We can provide a complete property inspection, then complete extermination or removal services for all active pests, and follow-up services to ensure that your property is prepared for the next season. For a free quote, contact us today!

No-See-Ums vs Gnats vs Mosquito Bites—What’s the Difference?

Mice found in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Bug bites come in all kinds of varieties. Some types of insects attack you through the air, some sneak up your leg when you’re not looking, some pounce at the peak of daylight, some travel by night. Unfortunately, here in Atlanta GA, we’re always justified in being slightly on edge about pests.

Winged insects can be quite successful in biting us and getting away unscathed. No-see-ums, gnats, and mosquitoes are among the peskiest pests in the area, and their bites are commonly confused for each other. Keep reading for Active Pest Control’s top tips on identifying them and their bites.

Gnats vs No-See-Ums vs Mosquitoes

These three pests are some of the biggest nuisance insects in our region. We’ve all probably had an encounter with them at some point—here’s how you can tell the difference between them next time you do:

  • Gnats: Gnats are tiny flies that often gather in “clouds” of hundreds or even thousands of individuals. They have gray to black-colored bodies and often live around damp soil, fruit that has been left out, or plumbing fixtures.
  • No-see-ums: No-see-ums are actually a particular kind of gnat. They only reach about 1/16” long, enabling them to fit through tiny gaps, even window screen holes.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are much larger than all kinds of gnats. They have long wings and a needle-like proboscis on their mouth that allows them to draw blood.

The Differences Between These Bug Bites

One way you can tell apart these insects is by their bite marks. Mosquitoes, gnats, and no-see-ums all work differently, and this shows itself in how we react to their bites. These are the main differences between their bites:

  1. Gnat bites: These look like small, red, irritated bumps. They look a lot like mosquito bites.
  2. Mosquito bites: Mosquito bites are usually lighter in color and less likely to take place around your face. They are often more spread out than gnat bites.
  3. No-see-um bites: These last longer than mosquito bites because of the way the no-see-um damages your skin when they bite you. They are usually more painful and take longer to heal.

In short, you can compare gnat bites and mosquito bites by their proximity to each other, their darkness in color, and how long they last.

Avoiding Bug Bites in Atlanta GA

Covering your skin with long-sleeved clothing and using insect repellent are some of the best ways to avoid bug bites on your own. However, if there is a relentless presence of biting bugs around your home, you might have a problem larger than you can deal with without professional help. At Active Pest Control, we have experience eliminating no-see-um, gnat, and mosquito populations all across Atlanta GA. We can deal with your pest outbreak and make sure you never experience another with routine checkups and maintenance work. For a free quote, contact us today!

Are Mosquitoes Active At Night?

Are Mosquitoes Active At Night? in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Summer is the season of mosquitoes here in Atlanta, but they can also be active in the spring and linger into the fall months. Mosquito activity sparks when the temperature begins to be consistently about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They also prefer warm, humid temperatures and avoid daylight. We know mosquitoes are active in the early morning hours, but what about at night? Mosquitoes are very active at dusk, which is when many of us like to be outdoors in the summer.

By knowing about when and where mosquitoes are most active in your area, you can better protect yourself from their bites. Read on to learn more with the mosquito experts at Active Pest Control!

Mosquitoes at Night in Atlanta

In the heat of the day, mosquitoes typically prefer to hide in the shade to avoid getting dehydrated. Their aversion to the sun is why these pests are most active during the morning hours and at dusk, when the sun is at its lowest and the temperature is cooler. Because of their preference for shady areas, mosquitoes frequent shaded woods, wetlands, marshes, and ponds throughout the daytime. If you are spending time outdoors at dawn and dusk, it’s important to stay vigilant about preventing their bites. A natural way to stay safe from mosquitoes is to plan your outdoor activities in the middle of the day.

Preventing Mosquito Activity At Dawn & Dusk

Whether you’re planning on hosting an evening dinner party in your yard or want to take an early morning hike, it’s important to learn how you can best protect yourself against mosquito activity. Here’s what to do:

    1. When spending time outdoors in the summer make sure to wear loose, light-colored clothing. If possible, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to keep your skin protected.
    2. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, apply an EPA-registered insect repellent containing DEET. Before using on children, make sure to consult your pediatrician.
    3. To prevent mosquitoes in your yard, cover or remove standing water, maintain your yard, and install fans to get the air moving and repel weak-flying mosquitoes.

Get Rid Of Mosquitoes At Night

If you are dealing with endless mosquito problems at night, it’s time to enlist the help of your local mosquito control experts. At Active Pest Control, our team will implement mosquito exclusion tactics to make your property less attractive to mosquitoes in the first place. To say goodbye to mosquito problems all summer long, contact us today to get started!

Can Mosquitoes Bite Through Clothes?

Child checking for mosquito bites in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

When it comes to mosquito bites, covering up isn’t always enough. Mosquito bites seem to appear out of nowhere sometimes – you may have woken up with new mosquito bites or noticed a few after spending the day in all long sleeves, and wondered, “where are all these bites coming from?” How are mosquitoes able to bite us all over our bodies?

Can A Mosquito Bite Through Clothing?

Many of us have asked this question at one point or another, and unfortunately, the answer is yes, mosquitoes can bite through clothes. You might see a mosquito land on your shirt and think it doesn’t have a chance, but mosquitoes are actually able to bite us through the fabric of most kinds of clothing that we wear. This is because mosquitoes have a needle-like proboscis that puts the expression “paper-thin” to the test.

A mosquito’s proboscis is a compacted system of long, pointed tubes extending from its face in place of a mouth. This is the device that a mosquito uses to pierce our skin, draw our blood, and exchange it with saliva and chemicals. Being as thin as it is, a mosquito’s proboscis can reach our skin through many kinds of fabrics, including:

  • Cotton
  • Linen
  • Spandex
  • Silk
  • Rayon, and more

Mosquitoes are even capable of biting through thicker materials like denim, but will usually choose not to in search of an easier site to draw blood.

Mosquito Proof Clothing

Some people are under the impression that mosquitoes won’t be able to bite through leggings or yoga pants, but these are actually even easier for mosquitoes to get through because of how close they are to the skin. The mosquito already has no trouble getting past the material, so you’ve effectively given them easy access.

So what can you wear to prevent mosquito bites? Here are three steps you can take to limit your mosquito bite count this summer:

  1. Choose tightly-woven fabrics, like nylon, corduroy, or polyester. Although these might not be the perfect choices for warmer temperatures, clothes with very close weaves are a deterrent to mosquitoes, and they will likely try to bite you elsewhere or find a different host.
  2. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Wearing a long sleeve shirt or jeans that fit baggier puts the material of your clothing further away from the skin and gives the mosquito a lesser chance of finding the right spot to bite.
  3. Apply insect repellent to your clothes. Products like DEET can be sprayed directly onto your clothing to ward off pests. Make sure to only use your chosen product as is recommended by the manufacturer.

Best Way to Repel Mosquitoes

When you feel like you’ve tried everything, and you’re still being bitten, it’s time to contact your local mosquito extermination experts. Your problem might be the sheer volume of mosquitoes in your area, so a professional pest control specialist can come assess your yard to eliminate mosquito attractants, like standing water. Contact us at Active Pest Control today for a free quote!

Top Tips for Pest-Free Outdoor Living

Avoid mosquitoes in your Atlanta GA backyard with tips from Active Pest ControlWith summer winding down, you’re likely wanting to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Whether you are hosting a backyard barbecue or reading out on your patio at night, the last thing you want to deal with is a pest problem. Mosquitoes, ticks, flies, lawn pests, and wasps are just a few of the many pests that can become quite a nuisance. At Active Pest Control, we know you want to enjoy your time spent in your outdoor living spaces to be pest-free, which is why we’re here to provide you with our top tips for pest-free outdoor living in your Atlanta area home.

Common Pests in Your Yard

The time of year that provides nice enough weather for you to be outdoors is also the time of year when pests are most active! Whether you have a garden in your backyard or couches and tables on your deck, you will likely encounter some of the following pests:

How to Prevent Pests in Your Outdoor Living Space

To keep pests away when you’re in your yard, there are several things you can do. The best ways to keep pests away in your outdoor space are as follows.

  1. Get rid of standing water. Mosquitoes only need a half inch of standing water to breed.
  2. Keep your lawn and shrubs trimmed. Overgrown grass or vegetation provides mosquitoes and ticks with shelter.
  3. Know how to look for ant hills. Even a tiny mound can contain thousands of ants inside.
  4. Check wood structures. Termites and carpenter bees will damage your wooden decks or porches.
  5. Use an insect repellent. Insect repellent containing DEET will help repel mosquitoes and ticks.
  6. Clean your patio or space regularly. Crumbs or spilled liquids will attract ants and other insects.

Year-Long Pest-Free Living

Pests are just a fact of life outside. However, you don’t have to let them ruin your time spent in your own backyard! For help implementing pest-free outdoor living tips, the experts at Active Pest Control can help. Contact our residential exterminators to learn more.

Mosquito Breeding Grounds Around the Home

Old tires collecting water are a common mosquito breeding ground in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlIn the middle of the summer, no one wants mosquitoes ruining their outdoor activities. Mosquitoes can breed at a rapid rate. Even worse, they can easily do so right in your backyard if given the chance. Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle and, in turn, keep mosquitoes out of your yard. If mosquitoes lack a suitable area to lay their eggs, they will be forced to look elsewhere.

The team at Active Pest Control is here to bring awareness to the most common mosquito breeding grounds around your home in the Atlanta GA area.

Common Mosquito Breeding Grounds

Female mosquitoes can produce anywhere from 100-300 eggs at a time, and their life cycle takes just two weeks for larvae to become adults. For this reason, it’s crucial to know how to stop mosquitoes from breeding in your yard. Here are the main areas they will target:

  • Birdbaths
  • Gutters
  • Mud pots
  • Tree stumps and wood piles
  • Children’s play sets
  • Trash cans
  • Old tires

How to prevent mosquitoes in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

How to Stop Mosquitoes From Breeding

In general, any body of stagnant water on your property will attract mosquitoes and provide females with a spot to lay their eggs. If any of the above items harbor standing water, make sure to routinely dump out the water or place covers on them. Female mosquitoes need just a half inch of water to breed, making it important to stay on top of inspecting areas in your yard for that. In addition, install screens on windows and interior doors of your home, reduce outdoor lighting at night, fix water leaks, keep your lawn trimmed, and use mosquito repellents following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Long-Term Mosquito Prevention

Mosquitoes are pesky and opportunists-they can breed and inhabit areas of your yard you likely wouldn’t expect. It can feel overwhelming to know how to keep mosquitoes out. If you need help eliminating mosquito breeding grounds around your home, contact your local mosquito exterminator. At Active Pest Control, we focus on long-term protection against mosquitoes. Contact us today to learn more!

Can Insects Transmit Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is not spread by mosquito bites. Learn more from Active Pest Control in Atlanta GA.Here at Active Pest Control, we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation and continue to focus on our commitment to protecting our communities. In the midst of this pandemic, there are endless questions surrounding the nature of the virus, including how it is spread. Data and information is changing daily, but to date, there is no evidence or proof to suggest that mosquitoes and ticks transmit COVID-19. These vector pests are infamous for transmitting diseases worldwide, but coronaviruses are not one of them.

With information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC), we’ll explore the differences between vector-borne diseases and COVID-19 to help dispel myths about transmission in these uncertain times.

What are Vector-Borne Diseases?

Ticks and mosquitoes are vector pests, AKA organisms that transmit diseases to humans. These two insects in particular are infamous for their roles in the transmission of many critical diseases around the globe. Mosquitoes are tied to some of the world’s most dangerous diseases including malaria, Zika virus, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, and more. Ticks are responsible for the transmission of Lyme disease, which is the most common vector-borne disease in our nation.

Can Mosquitoes and Ticks Carry Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is not a disease spread by vector pests. It is important to keep the following facts in mind:

  • The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that, to date, is spread through person-to-person contact. 
  • COVID-19 spreads through droplets from saliva or nasal discharge, often generated when an infected person sneezes or coughs. It can also be transmitted via contact with a contaminated surface.
  • SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and now COVID-19 are zoonotic coronaviruses – viruses that have jumped the species barrier from their normal animal hosts to humans.

What to Remember

With the weather warming up, it’s understandable that people are concerned about disease transmission from insects, mosquitoes especially. However, there is currently no scientific reason to believe these vector pests can transmit coronaviruses. As always, it’s important to take caution in the presence of pests and to always enlist the help of a professional exterminator to take care of the situation for you. The Active Pest Control team is here for you during these uncertain times.

With the safety of our communities in mind, we encourage our customers to seek more information and follow guidelines released by the WHO, CDC, as well as your state and local public health agencies.