Termite Inspections You Can Trust

All termite inspections are not the same. They’re either performed by QualityPro-Certified specialists or they’re not. Active Pest Control is a choice you can make with confidence, having been QualityPro-Certified since 2007 and protecting homes for more than 25 years. The QualityPro mark represents a lot when it comes to separating professional pest management providers from the rest of the pack. This important certification indicates that we have met the highest standards of professionalism in the pest management industry.

More specifically, QualityPro Certification means:

• All of our pest management professionals have had a comprehensive background check.

• Employees who drive a company vehicle have had their motor vehicle records checked.

• The company has a stringent drug-free workplace policy.

• The company meets essential insurance requirements.

• Sales and service personnel have the knowledge needed to successfully reduce and eliminate unwanted pests.

QualityPro is the largest certification available specifically for the pest management industry and administered by the Foundation for Professional Pest Management, an independent organization that develops good business practices and standards for pest management companies in the USA and Canada. You may be surprised to learn that, nationwide, less than 3 percent of pest control companies have earned this certification. Given the extensive and extremely costly damage termites can do to your home, don’t settle for less than an inspection done by a Quality-Pro Certified pro – don’t settle for less than Active Pest Control. Protect your investment by giving Active Pest Control a call today. We’re only a call or click away!

What Does QualityPro Certified Mean?

When a pest problem rears its ugly head, it can be scary. But not nearly as scary as hiring the wrong pest control company. Nowadays, it is even easier for a pest control company to have a professional look. All they need is a professional webpage. But that illusion of professionalism is quickly broken when they show up in a truck that has been made to look like a cockroach with wheels, or after you receive an inflated bill for services that leave you with no resolution to your problem. QualityPro helps customers find reputable pest control companies.

First of all, QualityPro isn’t something that pest control companies made up; it is an independent, 3rd-party auditing process administered by the National Pest Management Association. This program is offered by the NPMA to help potential customers easily connect with a reputable pest control company, and avoid being taken advantage of.

In order to be QualityPro certified, a company must:

  • Demonstrate a track record of trusted consumer relations.
  • Adhere to certified business practices and use clear communication methods when scheduling appointments and follow-ups.
  • Have expert employee training.
  • Prove they are good stewards of the environment.
  • Meet and exceed all federal and state requirements.
  • Have a drug-free workplace policy that not only prohibits illegal drugs in the workplace but requires that employees notify management if they are on prescribed medication that may impair their driving ability, judgment, work performance, or behavior.
  • Have done comprehensive DMV and criminal background checks on all employees.
  • Have a warranty/service agreement that clearly outlines the scope of services.
  • Do not run advertising that uses misleading terminology, or makes false promises.

QualityPro is a mark of excellent for a pest control company. Of all the pest control companies in the United States, only 3% are certified QualityPro. Active Pest Control is proud to be part of this program. We believe that this program, which includes random audits and strict adherence, keeps our team focused on the goal of providing the best service to our customers.

When you have a QualityPro-certified pest technician come to your home, you can expect that they will arrive in a clearly marked vehicle with a proper background check, the best training available, and that they will clearly outline what services are needed and what those services will cost. You’ll also know that your family and your pets will be completely safe from the many dangers that improper pest control can present. At the end of the day, that is what matters most.

Do you need a pest control company you can trust? Look for the blue, QualityPro logo. It is the mark of excellence in pest management.

Wildlife Invade Macon Homes

Sometimes it can feel like there is nothing we can do to safeguard against wildlife. But the truth is the number of pests inside your home is directly tied to how easy it is for them to get in. If you’re dealing with a skunk under your porch, it is because that skunk found a way to get under there. If there are mice in your walls, it is because there was a vulnerable area for them to chew their way in. If a squirrel is bumping around in your attic, it found a way up onto your roof. And that is why it is vital to get a professional to strengthen your defenses and make it harder for wildlife to gain entry, especially as we enter fall and those temperatures begin to drop.

3 Ways Professionals Exclude Animals

  1. Exclusion often begins with humane live trapping. This is because most folks don’t usually think about wildlife invasion until–well–those animals are invading. Our technicians are trained to use state-of-the-art baiting and trapping to secure all invading animals. They will also address issues of contamination so that you don’t end up with a secondary threat, such as lice, mites, ticks, fleas, or disease.
  2. There are many conditions that make a property more attractive to wildlife and give them access to the home. Our technicians are educated in modern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices, which detail natural exclusion methods that resist animal invasion. Your technician will advise you on areas where tree branches give wildlife access to your walls or roofline, where tall grass and weeds may be inviting animals in near your exterior walls, and what food sources may be present. You’ll be shown areas where water damage may be weakening wood and providing a soft point of entry. There are many factors that will invite animals in and make it easier for them to gain entrance to your home.
  3. The most important way our technicians will keep animals out is by directly addressing any possible entry points, such as gaps, holes, cracks, and weakened spots. They will apply lumber, steel flashing, hardware cloth, mortar, a chimney cap, and more, to make sure there is no vulnerable spot for wildlife to exploit.

There are many species of animal that can become a threat to your property and your home. And there are many ways to exclude them. Let the team here at Active Pest Control make sure that your property is secure. Wild animals don’t just spread your garbage all over your yard and make thumping noises inside your walls; they can spread disease and parasites to you, your kids, and your pets.

When you have Active Pest Control protect your Macon home from the accidental invasion of wildlife, you can know for sure that it’s all good. Our QualityPro certified, Angie’s List Super Service Award winning team is made up of some of the most experienced and educated pest experts in the country. Get your exclusion services before the fall invasion begins, and keep those invading animals out.