How to Safely Remove a Tick

American dog tick found in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlAs temperatures around Atlanta GA rise, so do the numbers of tick populations in the area. These pests remerge in the spring and summer, seeking out animals from which to engorge themselves with blood. Not only do they bite us and our pets, they can also pass along formidable illnesses such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia, and the dreaded Lyme disease. It is smart to prepare yourself for tick season by learning the proper techniques to safely remove them from your body and others’.

How to Identify a Tick

For starters, you should know what ticks look like. There are three main tick species in Atlanta GA:

  1. Lone star tick: With characteristically long mouthparts and a white-spotted back, the lone star tick is easy to identify. They are often found in brushy areas where deer and other small mammals live.
  2. American dog tick: These ticks are of about the same size and shape as the lone star tick, but are darker in colour and have smaller mouthparts. American dog ticks are the most common offender in terms of tick bites on dogs.
  3. Deer tick: The deer tick is smaller and darker than the other two mentioned. It feasts on small rodents and birds, but can become ambitious enough to seek out humans.

Each one of these tick species is capable of carrying diseases. If you find one on your skin, try to remove it as soon as possible.

How to safely remove ticks in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlSafely Removing Ticks

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following steps to safely remove a tick:

  • Use a thin pair of tweezers to pinch the tick as closely as possible to the skin’s surface.
  • Pull the tick upward steadily and slowly. If you twist or bend during retraction, the tick’s mouthparts could break off in your skin. If this happens, simply use the tweezers to remove them as well.
  • Once the tick is out, clean the site of the bite with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.
  • Dispose of the tick by flushing it, placing it in a sealed trash can, or placing it in alcohol. Do not crush it with your hands.

Following these instructions immediately after noticing your tick bite will minimize your chances of contracting a disease. If you start to experience fevers or rashes within the next few weeks, tell your doctor about where and when you believe you were bitten.

Getting Rid of Ticks in Atlanta GA

If you’ve dealt with multiple tick bites already this season, it might be time to talk to your local pest control company. The tick experts at Active Pest Control can further educate you on what kinds of ticks might be in your area and what you can do to avoid them. Contact us today for a free tick extermination quote!

Can Mosquitoes Bite Through Clothes?

Child checking for mosquito bites in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

When it comes to mosquito bites, covering up isn’t always enough. Mosquito bites seem to appear out of nowhere sometimes – you may have woken up with new mosquito bites or noticed a few after spending the day in all long sleeves, and wondered, “where are all these bites coming from?” How are mosquitoes able to bite us all over our bodies?

Can A Mosquito Bite Through Clothing?

Many of us have asked this question at one point or another, and unfortunately, the answer is yes, mosquitoes can bite through clothes. You might see a mosquito land on your shirt and think it doesn’t have a chance, but mosquitoes are actually able to bite us through the fabric of most kinds of clothing that we wear. This is because mosquitoes have a needle-like proboscis that puts the expression “paper-thin” to the test.

A mosquito’s proboscis is a compacted system of long, pointed tubes extending from its face in place of a mouth. This is the device that a mosquito uses to pierce our skin, draw our blood, and exchange it with saliva and chemicals. Being as thin as it is, a mosquito’s proboscis can reach our skin through many kinds of fabrics, including:

  • Cotton
  • Linen
  • Spandex
  • Silk
  • Rayon, and more

Mosquitoes are even capable of biting through thicker materials like denim, but will usually choose not to in search of an easier site to draw blood.

Mosquito Proof Clothing

Some people are under the impression that mosquitoes won’t be able to bite through leggings or yoga pants, but these are actually even easier for mosquitoes to get through because of how close they are to the skin. The mosquito already has no trouble getting past the material, so you’ve effectively given them easy access.

So what can you wear to prevent mosquito bites? Here are three steps you can take to limit your mosquito bite count this summer:

  1. Choose tightly-woven fabrics, like nylon, corduroy, or polyester. Although these might not be the perfect choices for warmer temperatures, clothes with very close weaves are a deterrent to mosquitoes, and they will likely try to bite you elsewhere or find a different host.
  2. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Wearing a long sleeve shirt or jeans that fit baggier puts the material of your clothing further away from the skin and gives the mosquito a lesser chance of finding the right spot to bite.
  3. Apply insect repellent to your clothes. Products like DEET can be sprayed directly onto your clothing to ward off pests. Make sure to only use your chosen product as is recommended by the manufacturer.

Best Way to Repel Mosquitoes

When you feel like you’ve tried everything, and you’re still being bitten, it’s time to contact your local mosquito extermination experts. Your problem might be the sheer volume of mosquitoes in your area, so a professional pest control specialist can come assess your yard to eliminate mosquito attractants, like standing water. Contact us at Active Pest Control today for a free quote!

Common Spring Pests

Carpenter ants are a common spring pest in Georgia - Active Pest ControlHave you noticed that pests start to get worse here in Atlanta as spring temperatures warm up? Wasps and bees begin to buzz around, winged insects crawl on your exterior walls, and you start to notice the dreaded ants crawling along your floorboards. Springtime is pest time nationwide. This time of the year is when many pests that were less active in the winter months begin to come out of dormancy. The reason why pest problems become so common in the spring, however, is because many of the pests were already lying in wait in the winter—right inside your home.

At Active Pest Control, we are committed to keeping pests out of our customers’ homes all year long. Keep reading to learn about the most common spring pests to look out for this year.

What Pests Are Common in the Spring?

1. Termites

While spring is the best time of year to see termite swarmers, those winged insects are probably not new to the neighborhood. Termite swarms don’t travel far or last long. If you’re seeing them on your exterior walls, it is likely that you already have a mature infestation in your home or on your property.

2. Carpenter Ants

When the temperatures here in Atlanta warm-up, you may see winged carpenter ants walking around on your exteriors walls. If you’re thinking you can vacuum them up and you’ll be safe, you may want to think again. Carpenter ant swarmers, just like those termites swarmers, are a warning sign of a current infestation. It is also a warning that the mature nest on your property is about to multiply, making it important to call your local ant control experts.

3. Mice

If you start to hear bumping and scraping in your walls, you may be tempted to think that the spring weather is responsible for allowing mice to get into your walls. But those mice could have been in your house all winter long. Mice live as close to their food source as possible. If they have a nest in your pantry wall, you wouldn’t hear them just before bedtime, bumping through your walls. But spring temperatures outside may invite those mice to find a route to go in and out of your home. Sadly, those mice are not likely to leave and never come back. Most mice prefer to live with humans. While they’ll step out to go look for more food options, they won’t be gone for long.

4. Wasps

These stinging pests are another common spring pest that probably spent the winter in your home. Wasp queens overwinter in eaves, soffits, and under the “bark” of our homes. In spring, they emerge to find a place to create a nest. Unfortunately, this often means right inside or outside your property. Coming across a wasp nest can be dangerous, making it important to always contact a wasp control expert for assistance.

Preventing Common Spring Pests

Preventing spring pests means preventing pests all year long here in Georgia. The best way to keep pests out is to seal off your home to them in the first place. Once indoors, it’s crucial to contact your local pest control experts for help. At Active Pest Control, we will work with you to come up with a plan to keep pests out for good. Contact us today to get started!

How to Look For Signs of Termites

Mud tubes are a common sign of subterranean termites in Georgia - Active Pest ControlTermites are often only discovered when the damage starts to appear, making them one of the most dangerous pest problems. In order to avoid the destruction associated with termite activity, it’s important to recognize the early signs of termites in your home. With termites at peak activity in the spring and summer, now is the time to ensure you are protected against an infestation! The termite experts at Active Pest Control are here to share their knowledge on the top signs of termites they see in Georgia homes year-round.

How to Tell if You Have Termites

If you notice any of the following signs of termites, it’s time to call a professional who can further investigate and determine the presence or absence of termites in your home. Here’s what to look for:

Swarming Termites

Every year, reproductive termites will leave their colony to mate and form new ones. Swarming happens when a mature termite colony releases a number of swarmers from their existing nest. Reproductive termites, also known as alates or swarmers, can often be mistaken for other flying insects, especially carpenter ants. Seeing winged termites in the spring months is a sign of termites spreading.

Piles of Termite Wings

After reproductive termites have swarmed and found a new location, they will literally twist their wings off to discard them. This is because, after flight, they will no longer need to fly. Termite wings are all the same size and translucent in color. These wings can often be seen in piles, which is indicative of termites forming their new colony nearby.

Mud Tubes

Made from and used by subterranean termites, mud tubes are pencil-sized tunnels through which termites travel. True to their name, subterranean termites nest underground. In order to leave the nest and forage for food, they will build mud tubs out of their feces. This protects the termites from outdoor elements as it blocks out cool, dry air. Seeing mud tubes along the outside of your property is likely the number one sign of termites.

Drywood Termite Frass

Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites nest within wood. As they tunnel through dry wood as well as when they swarm, drywood termites create kick-out holes in the wood. This is when their droppings, also known as frass, can be found. Termite frass most closely resembles sawdust or coffee grounds, and can appear in piles. Seeing this sign of termites makes it important to call a professional for closer inspection.

Tight-Fitting Doors and Windows

Termite activity can result in damage to your property. One of the most common signs of termite infestations is noticing your windows and doors are sticking or appear more tight-fitting than usual. Subterranean termites output a lot of moisture with their eating and tunneling habits. When they target door or window frames, the wood there will warp and make them more difficult to open.

Damaged Wood

Termites are infamous for damaging wood. This can appear in several ways. Typically, termite damage can cause unexplained cracks on walls, beams, and rafters. It can cause sagging wood in your floors, as well as hollow-sounding wood. Sometimes wood damage can lead to weakened baseboards and floorboards. In general, wood damage of any kind can be a major sign of a termite problem.

What to Do When You See Signs of Termites

Termite problems are no joke. They can cause a lot of damage on your home. This is why it is so important to work with a professional termite exterminator. At Active Pest Control, we will provide yearly inspections to catch early signs of termites. To learn more, contact our team today!

Is TAP the Best Home Insulation?

Tap Insulation installation in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlIf you’re looking to install insulation in your home, you’ve likely heard about TAP® Insulation. This popular home insulation method has a number of benefits and is an increasingly common installation for homes in the Atlanta GA area. In addition to providing great insulation and energy efficiency, it is prized for its pest control properties. Infused with borate, this pest resistant insulation works to ward off insects, wildlife, and other pest problems. The team at Active Pest Control is here to share expert information on why TAP is the superior home insulation product available to homeowners today.

TAP Insulation vs. Traditional Insulation

In addition to outperforming traditional insulation from a thermal and acoustical standpoint, TAP takes less energy to manufacture and has the added value of pest control features. Some other benefits that make TAP stand apart from other insulation options include:

  1. As an energy-efficient option, TAP can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%.
  2. It is environmentally friendly by using recycled paper diverted from landfills to create the product.
  3. This insulation is capable of filling the nooks and crannies that are unreachable with traditional insulation.
  4. TAP is the only insulation registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  5. More cost-effective than traditional insulation, this is a one-time investment with no need for re-treatments.
  6. It can be installed over existing insulation and comes with a lifetime warranty.

What Pests are Controlled with TAP?

One of the biggest benefits of TAP is its pest control qualities. The insulation is infused with a borate product that will prevent and eliminate pests. Some of the pests affected by this insulation product include:

How to Get TAP Insulation in Atlanta

For superior home insulation that also prevents pest problems, TAP is the answer. Active Pest Control is proud to be your local installer of TAP Insulation. Our certified technicians are licensed to install this pest control insulation in homes. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today!

7 Tips to Prevent Pantry Pests

Keeping pantry pests out of dried goods in your Atlanta GA home - Active Pest Control

Stored product insects are year-round pests and we’re providing you with 7 tips to prevent them! It’s that time of year when people start organizing their pantry and baking supplies. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year that people discover that they have pantry pests. A number of insects are infamous for raiding pantries to infest flour, dried fruit, cake mixes, grains, and more.

To keep pantry pests (also known as stored product pests) out of your Georgia home this year, keep reading to learn Active Pest Control’ expert tips!

7 Tips to Prevent Pantry Pests

Before you use your baking supplies, it’s important to check for pantry pests. There are 7 ways you can prevent pantry pests:

  1. Invest in proper storage: Always store food and baking ingredients in airtight containers to keep pests out.
  2. Properly store seasonal items: Dried foliage, Indian corn, and other seasonal items should be kept in sealed containers while not in use throughout the year.
  3. Use bay leaves: Stick a bay leaf inside canisters of dry goods like flour, rice, and other grains. The smell of bay leaves may help to repel pests.
  4. Inspect your groceries: At the grocery store, be careful of purchasing items that appear damaged or used, and do not bring them back to your home.
  5. Check for expiration dates: Before you use your ingredients from a year or two ago, make sure to check the expiration date and toss any expired items.
  6. Keep a clean kitchen: Always wipe up spills or messes to avoid attracting pests.
  7. Seal cracks: Inspect your property for cracks or crevices through which pests may come indoors, and seal them properly.
Indian meal moths and confused flour beetle prevention in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control
Indian meal moth (top) & confused flour beetle (bottom)

What Types of Pantry Pests Are There?

Some of the most common pantry pests include ants, earwigs, weevils, pillbugs, Indian meal moths, and confused flour beetles. All of these pests prefer different things to infest, including flour, grains, cake mixes, candy, chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit.

When you have a beetle or moth infestation, all four stages of their development (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) may be seen. For the most part, most people don’t notice the infestation until insects have reached the adult stage. No matter the type of pantry pest, it’s important to act quickly when you find them.

Pantry Pest Extermination

If you’ve followed all the preventative tips to prevent pantry pests and still have an infestation, it’s time to call a pantry pest exterminator! The pantry pest extermination team at Active Pest Control can help remove the infestation and protect your property from pantry pests in the future.

What Are Overwintering Pests?

Raccoons are overwintering pests in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlOverwintering pests are insects or other pests that enter homes in the fall for warmth and shelter throughout the colder months of the year. These pests will make themselves at home right in your residence, often in your attic, basement, or crawl space. Some of the most common overwintering pests in Atlanta include mice, rats, squirrels, and bats, along with fall invader pests such as boxelder bugs and stink bugs.

No one wants any pests hunkering down for the winter in their home, which is why it’s so important to learn how to prevent overwintering pests.

Which Pests Overwinter In My House?

The lack of activity in certain areas of your home, such as the attic, makes for the perfect shelter for pests and rodents. The following pests are known to be the most common to overwinter in your attic:

  • House mice: These mice prefer secluded areas and will look to nest in your attic using insulation and other stored items.
  • Roof rats: Just as their name suggests, roof rats can squeeze their way indoors and up to the attic in your home.
  • Bats: Big brown bats will roost in an attic and use it as their cave. Their presence causes a lot of mess to clean up.
  • Raccoons: Raccoons are strong climbers and can make their way into your attic to escape dropping temperatures.
  • Squirrels: The attic is the perfect place for squirrels to burrow and hide out the colder months of the year.

How to Prevent Overwintering Pests

To prepare for the cold months ahead, there are several things you can do to make your property less attractive to pests looking to stay inside this time of year:

  1. Trim overhanging tree branches, overgrown bushes, and vines away from your home to limit access to pests.
  2. Secure your chimney with a chimney cap, and install wire mesh over any vents or roof openings.
  3. Make sure your trash cans are securely stored in your hard with tight-fitting lids to keep pests out.
  4. In your attic, organize all items and eliminate any clutter. Use plastic bins instead of cardboard boxes for storage.
  5. Inspect both inside out outside the attic, and seal any cracks or crevices with caulk or steel wool. 

How to Get Rid of Pests in the Attic

Whether you suspect there are bats or squirrels in your attic, it’s important to always enlist the help of a professional pest control company. Active Pest Control is your local leader in wildlife cleanup and exclusion services, and can help protect your home from pests not just in the winter but all year long. Contact us today to learn more!