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Pine Snake - Active Pest Control

Pine Snake

Actual Size: 2 to 8 feet long

Characteristics: Generally white, yellow, or light gray. Usually dark, squarish, blotches on the sides and back that are lighter toward the tail and darker near the head. 

Habitat: Habitats include pine and oak forests, fields, scrublands, sandy soil and mountain ridges at altitudes of up to 9000 feet.


  • Pine snakes are nonvenomous snakes.
  • They prey primarily on rodents and eggs.
  • Pine snakes prefer to nest in loose soil and spend 60% of their time underground.

Pine Snakes in Georgia

Known as one of the largest snakes in North America, pine snakes are an average of 6 feet long but can grow to be 8 feet long. True to their name, these snakes are often found in pine woods or dry coniferous forests. They feed on rodents, small mammals, birds, and their eggs, lizards, and insects. Pine snakes will often enter animal burrows in search of the next meal. Using an unusual technique to kill its prey, by pressing the animal against the burrow walls using its strong body. 

Pine Snake Habitat

Sandy soils are an important habitat for pine snakes because these snakes are excellent burrowers, digging both summer dens or hibernation dens. Pine snakes also use abandoned animal burrows. These snakes spend the majority of their time underground. Their occasional surface activity can be observed in the spring through the fall, particularly May to October. Pine snakes hibernate throughout the winter, emerge in spring, and typically go back into hibernation during the fall. 

Pine Snake Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although bites from pine snakes are uncommon, they are known to be extremely aggressive, delivering a powerful strike. When pine snakes are first approached they tend to hiss very loudly, vibrate their tails, and strike. Although they are a non-venomous species, a bite from a pine snake can be a painful experience. If you are having an issue with pine snakes on your property, it is best to consult a professional snake control company for removal.

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