Wildlife Prevention Tips

Wildlife on your Rome, Georgia property can be especially troublesome in the fall when temps drop and animals come in closer to the warmth of a home. Squirrels may chew their way into attics, raccoons strew trash around, skunks spray, and bats can spread rabies. Not to mention those rodents that get in and contaminate and chew on everything.

Squirrels: This tail-flicking, tree climbing acrobats are actually rodents. This means that they are really good at chewing since they have a set of incisors that never stop growing. If they chew their way into your home and make a nest in your wall voids or attic, they are going to be chewing everything in sight, like insulation, which means heat will escape, and electrical wires, which could spark a house fire. Not to mention the fact that they will leave their urine and feces everywhere they roam.

Raccoons: Raccoons are known to transmit rabies. The fact is, they top the list of rabies-transmitting pests. While these wildlife animals are not good to have on your property whether they have rabies or not, if they do, you should be very concerned. If you see a raccoon that is foaming at the mouth, falling on its side or looking like it has paralysis in one or more legs, it is imperative that you call a pest control company immediately. And even raccoons that are not infected with rabies are known to violently attack humans, especially if they feel threatened or cornered.

Skunks: Having skunks on your property stinks. Literally. And if they spray your dog or, worse, you, the situation will stink in more ways than one. Beyond this, skunks can also carry the rabies virus, tip over trash cans, and cause a general uneasiness of all who live in your home, just because of their presence. It is never a good idea to let skunks have free range on your property, especially if you have pets or children.

Bats: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the transmission of rabies from exposure to bats is documented in all of the continental states. They recommend no exposure between bats and humans. The CDC also says that bat guano (droppings) can contaminate soil which can lead to a lung disease called histoplasmosis.

Mice: Mice, like squirrels and other rodents, never stop chewing. If mice invade your home in fall, they will make nests and invade pantries, spreading disease-causing filth everywhere they roam. And while other animals may move back out come spring time, mice are likely to stay put. It is never a good idea to let a mouse infestation grow in population.

Prevention Tips

There are a number of steps you can take with your Rome home in order to keep wildlife at bay this fall.

  • Examine your foundation and walls and seal up any gaps or cracks found.
  • Make sure all of your screens and door sweeps are present and in good working order.
  • Don’t leave your garage door open.
  • Install screen or wire mesh over vents.
  • Keep your yard neatly trimmed and free of unnecessary clutter.
  • Trim bushes and trees back away from your foundation and walls.
  • Keep your outside trash in well-sealed containers.

If you are in need of assistance in keeping your home wildlife free this fall season, reach out to the professionals here at Active Pest Control. When wildlife is all gone from your home and property, life is all good.

The Wildlife In Georgia

Who doesn’t love a squirrel? When you were a child, did you stop every time you saw one run along the fence top or scramble up a tree? Do you still stop when you see one out the sliding glass door or on your way into your house? Squirrels are fun. I bet you didn’t expect to hear a pest control company say that! But it’s true. We love squirrels, and other furry animals that accidentally come onto our property, as much as you do. We think it is cool to see a raccoon scurrying along a wall, a gopher making a mad dash for a hole under the shed, a squirrel bounding across the railing on the deck, and a skunk–okay, maybe not a skunk, but you get the point. Furry animals are adorable. And, the pest professionals here at Active Pest Control are not immune to their effect. We love them as much as you do. But, here are a few things we don’t like about them, and we bet you’ll agree.

  • When animals get into the trash, they end up tipping the barrels over and spreading that trash all over the yard.
  • Though they don’t mean to, furry animals bring ticks, fleas, lice, and mites into our yards, and sometimes, into our homes as well.
  • Some creatures chew on our property and make holes in the wood, and rip up other items on our property.
  • It is no fun to find out a cute little furry animal has enjoyed the vegetables in the garden or destroyed an ornamental plant in the yard. It is even more frustrating to realize that something has been damaging the bark on an important tree and that the tree may end up dying.
  • Finding feces and urine spread around the attic is never pleasant.
  • When wildlife, especially rodents, get into the pantry or food storage areas, they chew holes in things and leave their droppings and urine while they explore shelves and packaging.
  • It is never ever fun to get bitten by a scared animal–or an animal that is protecting its young.
  • When wildlife gets into the attic and into the wall voids, we can live without the scratching, bumping and squeaking.

If you agree, we hope you will also agree that it is better to manage these animals so they don’t have free reign in our yards, and easy access to our homes. At Active Pest Control, we use advanced Integrated Pest Management methods and trusted protocols to control and exclude wildlife. Reach out to Active Pest Control for safe and humane trapping, exclusion services to seal entry points, and advanced pest management services to monitor and control animal populations. Just because those animals are cute, doesn’t mean we should allow them to damage our property and threaten the health and well being of our families and our pets. Get your protection in place today.