Winter Rodent Control Checklist

How to implement rodent control for your winter home in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlMany people think pest problems only occur in the summer, but rodent infestations are very common in the winter! According to The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), 21 million homes in the U.S. are invaded by rodents each winter. As temperatures drop, rats and mice will look to make their way indoors for warmth and shelter. To avoid the diseases and destruction brought from rodent infestations, it’s important to implement rodent control into your home each year. Keep reading for Active Pest Control’s top tips for rats and mice prevention in the winter.

Do Rats & Mice Hibernate?

While some animals—certain rodents included—hibernate during the colder months, rats and mice stay active throughout the winter. Because they remain active in these months, they are even more compelled to enter homes to escape the cold outdoors. Once inside, they will nest and spread. In addition to their destructive gnawing and tunneling, rat droppings are capable of spreading disease. Because rodent infestations are so common in the winter, it’s essential to protect your home from them.

8-Point Rodent-Proofing Checklist

Winter Rodent Control Checklist - Active Pest Control in GeorgiaThere are eight spots in particular around your property that are vulnerable to rodent intrusions. By routinely checking the following areas, you can locate where rats and mice may attempt to make their way indoors. It’s important to make any repairs promptly and, in general, keep a tidy home and yard to prevent rodents. The eight main locations to check and make repairs include:

  • Roof
  • Vents
  • Screens
  • Vegetation
  • Gutters
  • Outside
  • Garage
  • Foundation


Winter Rodent Prevention

If after reviewing our 8-point checklist, you discover areas of your home needing repair, or more specifically, areas showing definite pest activity, the experts at Active Pest Control can help. We specialize in preventing pest problems before they begin, which is why we can help implement rodent control for your home for the winter. To learn more about protecting your home from rats and mice, give our team a call today!

Prevent Winter Pests in Your Home

A rodent is one of the many types of winter pests that may invade your GA home in the winter months - Active Pest ControlEveryone knows pests are a problem in the spring and summer months, but what about in the winter? Unfortunately, pests don’t disappear with the colder weather. In fact, many pests will look for ways to enter homes to escape the dropping temperatures, which is why infestations are common in Georgia winters. To protect your property from pest problems in the winter, it’s important to implement pest control and prevention.

Winter Pest Infestations

Certain insects will enter a state of diapause in the winter to wait out the cold months in favor of warmer weather. These include stink bugs, cluster flies, boxelder bugs, and Asian lady beetles. Other pests to be wary of in the winter months include:

  • Rats & mice. House mice and Norway rats in particular are known to squeeze their way indoors during the cold months.
  • Cockroaches. The German cockroach will hitchhike inside in boxes and can spread right under your nose.
  • Spiders. House spiders are typically harmless and can be found in dark, secluded areas of the home.
  • Bed bugs. Known to withstand extreme temperatures, bed bug problems are a threat during the winter.

How to Prevent Winter Pests

To protect your property from winter pests, it’s important to implement preventative measures into your home maintenance routine. This includes thoroughly inspecting your home on a regular basis to locate vulnerabilities. One of the most important measures you can take is to seal cracks and crevices outside your property to keep pests from making their way inside. In addition, you should place screens over vents and chimneys, store firewood away from your property line, promptly fix leaks or broken pipes, and keep a clean home to prevent winter pests.

Is Winter Pest Control Necessary?

Just like you, pests want to escape the cold temperatures during the winter. In their hunt for food and shelter, they may enter your home easier than you want to believe. It’s crucial to implement preventative steps to prevent pests in the winter. Active Pest Control can be trusted to help protect your property from winter pests and other pest problems throughout the entire year. Call our team today to learn more about our winter pest control services!

Fall Is Flea Season

Fall Is Flea Season in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Did you know that late summer to early fall is flea season in GA?

These tiny blood feeders suck blood from mammals using tiny, straw-like mouth parts. Neither you nor your fur babies are safe from the bite of this pesky little creature.  If you have ever had the misfortune of being bitten by a flea, then you can appreciate the importance of good flea control.

We are right in the middle of flea season outside. Fleas live, feed, and breed outside July through late October. If they find their way indoors on one of your beloved pets, they can start an infestation that will last year-round. Adult fleas spend almost the entirety of their life on their host. If your pets are not kept on flea and tick medication, fleas can easily make your pet that host. Not only do they feed, breed, and live on their host once they find it, they also defecate (poop) and lay their eggs on their host, too. When the host the fleas are living on stands up, moves, shakes, or scratches, the eggs and dried blood (aka flea dirt–aka flea poop) fall off into bedding, carpet, upholstery, etc. This is where the rest of the flea life cycle takes place.

Juvenile fleas (larval fleas) spend their entire life in whatever bedding or substrate they hatch on. They crawl around through the fibers or the soil and feed on the flea dirt of their parents. After growing several times, the larvae enter the next stage of their life: the pupal stage (a resting stage to undergo the drastic change from larva to adult). During the pupal stage, the fleas are almost impossible to control. Most of the products on the market cannot penetrate the hard casing of pupal fleas. This is why hiring a professional is vital to the eradication of these irritating critters. Professionals have been taught how and when to treat and exactly what steps need to be taken to control flea populations in the home. On the same token, this is why it is important to perform all of the steps asked of you by your pest control professional. Failure to follow their directions may make the problem worse…or fail to control it at all!

Besides their nasty, itchy bite, what is the big deal about fleas? Well, certain species carry and transmit the plague [also referred to as black death (black plague)]. If you aren’t familiar with the plague, let me provide a short, but informative, history lesson. The plague was a serious issue in Europe back in the mid-1300s when sanitation was way worse than it is now. Rats roamed the streets and carried fleas around with them. When these fleas would transfer from feeding on infected rodents to feeding on people, they would transfer the virus Yersinia pestis [aka the causative virus of the plague (of which there are three types: pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic)]. This disease was so bad that it wiped out around 60% of Europe’s population in the 1300s (somewhere in the millions, if not hundreds of millions). So, we see how it got the ‘death’ part of its name, but where does the word black come from? That is a result of one of the lovely side effects of the septicemic version of the plague. In addition to a handful of other problems, it also causes the skin to start turning black, usually starting in the lymph nodes, because of gangrene. The pneumonic version is the most dangerous as it can be spread from person to person thru infected fluids, and the bubonic version forms giant lumps/nodules (buboes) in the lymph nodes closest to the bite site. While the plague may not be as big of an issue in the Eastern United Sates, the western hemisphere of the U.S. is still at risk. Fleas living on the prairie dog populations out west have continued to transmit the plague to humans; the CDC states that there are an average of 7 new cases a year.

In addition to the plague, fleas also transmit tapeworms to dogs and cats. The tapeworm that dogs and cats get from fleas is the flea (or cucumber) tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum). Infection happens when a dog or cat is chewing at the fleas on its skin and swallows a flea that contains a tapeworm larva. When the stomach acids break down the flea, the tapeworm emerges and begins its life cycle. As it matures into its adult form, the tape worm grows larger and develops numerous segments, called proglottids. Each one of the proglottids can break off and be expelled from the animal’s body as it defecates. If you see a proglottid in your pet’s excrement, take them to the vet immediately to be dewormed; be sure to keep pets on flea medication, because each of the proglottids contain eggs that can re-infest flea larvae, starting the cycle all over again when the larvae become adults. The only risk a flea would pose to a human is if the human were to accidentally swallow a flea infected with tapeworms. While it is not impossible, the chance that this would happen is astronomical!

If you want to avoid ever being put in these situations in the first place, flea and tick medication is an absolute must for your pets! Just a reminder that cats need flea and tick medication as well. If a cat contracts the plague, it can transfer the plague to a human when the cat coughs or sneezes. In addition, pest control providers can service your yard for fleas or come indoors to control flea infestations that have found their way inside. Keeping wild animals out of your yard is a good way to keep fleas from being present in the first place. Remove piles of wood, rubbish, or other debris that wild animals may use as shelter. Putting a fence around your yard can also help, but that can be a rather expensive solution. Keeping grass at a reasonable height (ankle height) is also a great way to keep your home flea free!

For more information on flea tapeworms, please check out the following link:

For more information on the plague, please visit:

If you are a bug nerd like me and want more information about fleas, check out this informative page from Ohio State University:

Author: G. Wyatt West –A University of Georgia Graduate of Entomology



Why Relationships Are Important

Why Relationships Are Important in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Where relationships matter.

Yes, this is just a business tagline….. but to us at Active Pest Control it means so much more. Our business is built around the premise of our relationships with our customers, our employees, and our community. We believe that relationships mean everything. We strive to practice this “tagline” in everything we do.

We help people in times of need on a daily basis. We are called in when our customers are facing destructive home invaders and when they are dealing with expensive home damage. We take our time with our customers and provide multiple options to them to help them make informed decisions. We are always upfront about our pricing and what our pricing includes. We don’t bury anything in our fine print or surprise our customers with hidden fees. We also list our pricing on our website, unlike our competitors. We strive to be transparent.

Yesterday, we found ourselves on the other side of need. Instead of providing help to our community, we were the ones in need of help. Our community was hard hit with 6 inches of rain in a short 5 hour period. We had to ground our entire service team for safety reasons due to the widespread flash flooding.

Unfortunately, one of our service vehicles was caught in the rising flood waters in Loganville, Ga. We immediately reached out to a local tow company in the area that could help us get our vehicle out. Whitlock Towing said they could get the vehicle out and back to our office with no problem. They were prompt and courteous. They attached a chain to the truck and pulled it 10 feet out of the water and towed it back to our office in McDonough. We were grateful to have someone help us in our time of need.

When the tow truck arrived to our corporate office, things quickly took a turn for the worse. When Whitlock Towing was unloading our vehicle we were presented with their bill. A bill for 3,000 dollars. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS to pull a truck out of standing water and tow it from one side of metro Atlanta to the other. We understand that this wasn’t a normal tow. We understand that situation was not a normal circumstance. We also know what predatory business practice looks like, and Whitlock Towing was guilty of it. Pricing was never discussed. Extra fees were never explained to us. Whitlock Towing made sure that they provided the service in our time of need FIRST, before they discussed the exorbitant cost they felt their services were worth.

We want our customers to know that this is EXACTLY why our business is built around relationships. We want our customers to feel taken care of. We want our customers to make INFORMED decisions before spending their hard earned money.

We never want our customers to feel like we did yesterday. That’s why we are sharing this story publicly.

–Active Pest Control “Where Relationships Matter”

The Ghost of Christmas Tree Past

The Ghost of Christmas Tree Past in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Issues stemming from Christmas trees can come back to haunt you even after Christmas is long gone! It all has to do with the disposal of the tree.

If you celebrated a fun Christmas season with a live tree then you need to find something to do with it after the holidays. For many people that is finding a nice spot of land on their property to throw the tree out. However, this can lead to some pretty big issues.

If you are not proACTIVE in the care you use to dispose of your tree, then you may have some issues come spring. In the months following December, your Christmas tree will transform from a lush green attraction to a dry withered husk. By the time March rolls around you will have a dead tree that is holding moisture against the ground and providing shelter to newly emerging insects. If you leave the dead and decaying tree near your home, you could pay the price.

Dead Christmas trees provide the perfect location for newly emerging insects to harbor, mate, relax, and more! If left near or against your home the dead tree can promote pest insects to venture inside. Furthermore, trees are a cellulosic material, which is the favorite snack of wood destroying organisms. You surely don’t want to promote termites or wood destroying beetles to venture into your home!

In addition to pests, termites, and other wood destroying organisms, that dead tree could provide the perfect home for rodents. With the presence of insects, moisture, and shelter will come rodents. It is an all you can eat buffet, with plenty to drink, and a safe location to take a rest. Once they are done the next stop could be indoors…your doors!

To avoid promoting pest insects, wood destroying organisms, and rodents from coming for an unexpected visit in your home, make sure you properly dispose of your tree. Use the following link for more information on proper tree disposal:

Don’t fret if you are receiving this information late; Active Pest Control will be here to help any time you need. Our trained and certified technicians are ready to handle any job big or small!

If you are ACTIVEly seeking help call the office today: 770-373-4341

Author: G. Wyatt West –A University of Georgia Graduate of Entomology

Snakes in the Wall?

Snakes in the Wall in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Hearing hissing in the wall might not be as uncommon as you think. Snakes that chase mice or rats into the home can often be heard slithering or hissing behind the drywall.

Snakes are not common invaders like rodents or insects, but that does not mean they will not find their way inside. Snakes are generally lured into homes due to conditions which would favor food sources, like rodents. Dampness, darkness, and rodent smells can be three factors that lure snakes inside.

Since snakes are skinny, they can fit into any cracks or crevices that any rodent can fit through. Dryer vents, improperly sealed doors or windows, open pipes sticking out of the home, cracks in brick or siding, gutters, and wire entries are just a few different methods snakes can use to gain entry into the home.

Snakes can be found in the attic or slithering through the walls in search of food. If you have a rodent issue in the home, your chance of seeing a snake inside will increase greatly. Not only can snakes be heard moving through the wall, they can also be heard hissing or making other unusual noises.

Sometimes, as homeowners, we can forget about areas like crawlspaces or unfinished basements. Be sure to keep a check on these areas to make sure you are not harboring any unwanted guests. If they can find their way under the home, they can find their way inside! Potted plants moved in from outdoors also need to be thoroughly checked for snakes and other unwanted visitors!

If you do happen to come across snakes in the home don’t try to handle them yourself. Call Active Pest Control at 770-609-2548 to get a certified wildlife professional right away! You can take certain precautions to deter snakes from coming indoors: seal entry points, make sure doors and windows have proper seals, keep the yard trimmed low, keep debris away from the home, cover vents with screen/mesh, and most importantly, if you have an issue with rodents make sure you get that issue handled. Eliminating the food source will often time eliminate the problem!

For more info on pricing and snake or rodent control visit or call the office! Let us take away your pests today!

Author: G. Wyatt West –A University of Georgia Graduate of Entomology

Knoxville Tick Protection

There is something exceedingly disturbing about a bug that bores into your skin, attaches itself for hours, and sucks your blood. No one likes finding a tick on them, whether it is attached or just crawling around. Ticks are creepy. But, sadly, that is not the end of it. Ticks are also responsible for causing dangerous illnesses like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, tularemia, STARI, RMSF, anaplasmosis, Colorado tick fever, rickettsiosis, and more. These are bugs that no one needs crawling around on them–or crawling around in their yard.

If you’ve found ticks in your yard, or ticks on your body, here are a few things you should know:

  • Routine checks for ticks are vital for health and safety. Catching ticks early can completely prevent illness or reduce the impact of illness. Always check yourself, your kids, and your pets when coming back into the house from any grassy areas.
  • Ticks don’t fall down from trees, fly, or jump. They sit on grass or foliage and cling on as a host creature passes by. Therefore, the best way to stop ticks is to take measures that address them in this way. Wear light-colored clothing so you can see them if they have gotten on to you and they are climbing up. And consider wearing an insect repellent that has picaridin in it.
  • Be cautious when removing ticks. There are tick removal kits available that will allow you to pinch them at the head and pull them off. Be careful not to pinch their abdomen. This could force unwanted bacterium into the bite wound, and increase your chances of illness.
  • Keeping pests out of your yard and out of your home will reduce your exposure to ticks. If you have passing deer, a fence will help to keep them out. If you have raccoons, skunks, and other animals that get into your trash, sealing and securing your trash will go a long way to keeping these pests away. If you have rodents in your home, consider having a pest control company resolve this issue.
  • Professional mosquito control programs also help to control ticks in your yard.

Ticks are a serious threat in Knoxville. If you need assistance protecting your family and your pets from all of the many illnesses these bugs are associated with, reach out to your local pest control company for advice or treatment.

10 Facts Everyone Should Know About German Cockroaches in Georgia

Are you seeing cockroaches in your home? If so, we feel your pain. We see firsthand, all the time, what a serious problem these dirty little pests can be. But, if you’ve just started seeing German cockroaches in your home, and don’t know how bad they are, here are 10 things you should know right now.

  1. German cockroaches don’t just live in Germany. If you’re seeing these cockroaches in your home, you are probably already aware that the German cockroach is not restricted to distribution in Germany alone. But it is important to understand that they didn’t originate in Germany either. These bugs have been plaguing humans since the beginning of recorded time. That means they’re really good at avoiding our attempts to get rid of them.
  2. German cockroaches spread diseases. Disease-causing organisms, such as harmful bacteria, viruses, and protozoans have been found in the bodies of these roaches.
  3. German cockroaches spread harmful bacteria. If it isn’t bad enough that they carry illness in their bodies, they also carry it on their bodies. When they get into dirty places, they pick up bacteria and spread it to food prep surfaces, shelves, dishes, silverware, and other sensitive areas.
  4. German cockroaches are incredibly mobile. Like all roaches, these insects can climb walls, walk across ceilings, and get into hard-to-reach places.
  5. German cockroaches are small. This species of roach is the smallest of all the cockroaches you’ll find in your home. This tiny size allows them to go through some extremely tiny openings, like the holes in your outlets.
  6. If you’re seeing one here and there, you probably have hundreds in your home. Only a few roaches will explore your home in the open. The rest will wait till it is safe to come out and feed.
  7. These and other cockroaches are connected to asthmatic symptoms. Studies have made a direct connection between asthma symptoms and the presence of cockroaches, but German cockroaches stand out from the pack. They are the leading cause of asthma among inner-city children in our country.
  8. German cockroaches reproduce like crazy. This is one of the biggest reasons this species of cockroach is the most established cockroach in the world. On average, females of this species have a three-month life cycle. But, in that time they can produce multiple egg cases from a single mating, each egg case containing 35 to 45 offspring.
  9. These are stinky bugs. If you have a large infestation of German cockroaches, you’re going to smell it. For some people, this alone is enough to want to kill them all.
  10. Resistance is not futile. Cockroaches, in general, are resilient bugs. It is estimated that roaches have been able to develop a resistance to every pesticide product that has been thrown at them since the 1950s.

If you are looking to get rid of this dangerous pest, turn to the pest control professionals at Active Pest Control, we will find the perfect pest control plan for you and your home.

Chuck Tindol Elected 3rd Generation NPMA President

ATLANTA, GA – August 4, 2016 — The National Pest Management Association is pleased to announce that Chuck Tindol, Vice President of Active Pest Control, will serve as the President of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Mr. Tindol has become the third generation in his family to serve as President of the NPMA. He, and the entire Active Pest Control family, is known throughout the industry for honesty, hard work, and leadership.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to have the opportunity to work with Chuck in this leadership position. His integrity and passion for the industry underscores the professionalism we look to provide to consumers,” said Dominique Stumpf, Chief Executive Officer of the NPMA. Stumpf went on to say, “I have no doubt that under Chuck’s leadership we will be able to continue to grow and evolve to serve the consumer in our role as protectors of public health and property.”

Prior to the July 1, 2016 election his grandfather, Red Tindol, was NPMA President for 1976-1977; his father, Rufus “Bubba” Tindol, held the same title for 1988-89. Reflecting on this legacy Mr. Tindol states, “Because of the example that my grandfather and father set for me, I have always felt a desire and willing obligation to follow in their footsteps.”

He continues, “I am thankful to all the partners at Active Pest Control for what they do every day. It allows me the honor of representing them in our national trade association. I am also honored that my peers have given me this opportunity and will work hard to earn that trust.”

Mr. Tindol is eager to join the newly appointed CEO and Board. Under his leadership, the NPMA will continue to work hard on its mission to protect public health and property and to be a proactive resource for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and our national legislators, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the ongoing management of vector borne diseases including Zika Virus, West Nile, Lyme disease and Dengue fever.

 # # # 

About Active Pest Control:
Active Pest Control has been protecting businesses, homes and families from pests since 1991. What began with a few men and one common goal has grown into a company of over 275 partners. Today, Active Pest Control operates branches throughout Georgia. Active Pest Control was recently named a 2016 “Top Workplaces” by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The company also received Kudzu’s “Best of 2015” award in the services category and is recognized industry-wide as a leader in home protection and integrated pest management.

About NPMA:
The NPMA, a non-profit organization with more than 7,000 members, was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food and property. For more information, visit or Like @PestWorld on Facebook.

Media Contact:

J’mee Caldwell
Active Pest Control
(678) 808-2038

Summer Pests in Chattanooga

Situated along the Tennessee River, Chattanooga is a city with endless possibilities for adventure, a great night out, and a lot of family fun. The mountains of Southeast Tennessee are also a great attraction for a hike or even a short walk with a view. Since Chattanooga combines city fun, woodsy adventures, and river cruise trips, couples and families are not the only ones attracted to Chattanooga’s charm. Pests of every shape and size are drawn to this mountainous riverside city. With temperatures reaching into the 90s during the summer, pests find themselves very comfortable in that kind of habitat. This becomes a large concern for commercial companies looking to make a great impression on a guest, customer, or client.

Summertime is warm, fresh, and beautiful; but at the same time, summertime pests are a great nuisance and a health concern for companies all over Chattanooga. The top three pests that will cause you trouble this summer are rodents, fleas, and cockroaches. Within your business, these pests need to be held at bay since they affect the health and environment for your customers or guests. Whether you are responsible for a restaurant, hotel, daycare, school, or another commercial business, you should be on the lookout for these pests wandering around this summer.

Rodents are mammals, and because they do not hibernate, they can be found anywhere year-round. They also reproduce rapidly; so once there is a sighting or a hint of rodent infestation, action needs to be taken. If you are in any kind of food service industry you are aware of how rodents can affect the health and safety of kitchens, storage areas, and even public spaces. Rodents are capable of crawling through spaces that seem much too small for them, so they could be entering in areas you wouldn’t even expect. Rodents can also chew through hard materials, leave urine and feces, and cause anxiety if seen by someone visiting your establishment. If a rodent’s nest is made somewhere within your business, reproduction will occur and can lead to contamination of food and surfaces where they roam around upon.

Fleas are extremely common in the summer months. Fleas need a host to feed on to survive; so most of the time, they will hitchhike on rodents, pets, and even humans. Fleas have different stages of development from egg to adult, but it takes a flea at the adult stage to be seen with the naked eye. Fleas can bite, can carry disease, and can be a nuisance throughout your business. Since fleas make their way inside from a host, extermination needs to be done at the first sight of a flea before reproduction happens.

Cockroaches are well known for being a huge pest, and they are an unsightly scene for commercial businesses. Cockroaches pose a large health concern since they are often found by waste deposits, drains, and kitchens where food is nearby. Cockroaches can carry diseases all over your business, and they even emit a foul odor. Since they are nocturnal, most of the time they won’t be seen unless they are uncovered or frightened away from their place of hiding. There is usually nothing good associated with a cockroach, and coming across one will send shivers up your spine.

Combating these summertime pests alone is next to impossible. Keeping the reputation of your business is extremely important, so at the first sign of a rodent, flea, cockroach, or any other pest in your business, contact us. We have over 40 years of pest control experience; and with the strength of our team, you will not be disappointed. We pride ourselves in sending the best technicians, being environmentally responsible, and honest. We have a range of programs to fit any need you have for pest control within your business. Call us today for a pest control service that will remove and prevent pests because ‘When bugs are all gone, it’s Active Pest Control.’