Preparing For Fall Pests in Knoxville

Summer is coming to an end, and it won’t be long until the temperatures start to drop. It happens every year. But, when those temperatures drop, something else happens. Bugs and animals will start to hide from the cold. This process is called overwintering; but long before this happens, your home should be ready for the invasion.

There are many creatures, both big and small, that will try to make your house their winter home. Some repeat offenders include mice, rats, cockroaches, stinging insects, ants, and spiders. While the habits and habitats of these creatures vary considerably, they can all be deterred by the following preventive steps.

Fall Prevention Tips from the National Pest Management Association

  • Make sure all door and window screens are in good working condition and that no holes are present. Screens are your first line of defense against overwintering pests.
  • Make sure all door sweeps and weather stripping have a good seal. There are many pests that can squeeze through tiny holes. Look for damaged bristles and fix the damage.
  • Eliminate moisture sites. If you have leaking pipes or clogged drains, your home will be attractive to moisture-seeking pests, which include termites.
  • Apply screening to attic vents and openings to chimneys. You may also consider a chimney cap.
  • Be sure to get air tight containers for all outside trash cans. The smell of trash is an attractant for many overwintering pests; and if your trash lures flying insects in, those insects will lure in the spiders that feed on them.
  • Do a detailed inspection of exterior walls. Fill gaps, cracks, and holes with steel wool or seal them using a caulking gun. Pay particular attention to where utility pipes enter the home.
  • Put steel wool in downspouts to prevent rodents from crawling up and gaining access to your vulnerable roofline.
  • Replace loose mortar on basement foundations and around basement windows.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your exterior walls.
  • Keep shrubs and bushes trimmed.

Winter isn’t quite here yet, but now is the perfect time to start preparing your home for the inevitable invasion that happens every year.

If you need help keeping the bugs and rodents out of your home, you can trust Active Pest Control. Our team knows the pests that invade homes in the area, and they know the protocols and products that will seal them out. Call for a free inspection and find out how easy it is to keep pests out when you have the knowledgeable pest professionals at Active Pest Control on your side.

Fleas Everywhere!

The terrible aggravation of having a house full of fleas is something every pet owner has experienced, or at least will experience, sometime during their time of owning a pet. No matter how careful you are, a dog or cat can bring fleas in with them at any given time. It could be fleas picked up out of the grass or fleas acquired during your morning walk with your dog. You may have exposed Fido to fleas when the neighbor’s dog came over to play. Regardless how it happens, fleas can quickly take over and spread throughout the house.

Although it may come as a surprise to some, fleas can become a problem even in homes of non-pet families. Fleas can be found on mice or any other hairy animal. They can also come in on your clothing if you have been in a rather heavily infested place. Fleas need a host for survival, but they do not deposit eggs on the host. They will lay eggs in the carpet, curtains, upholstery, or bedding. The hatched larva can then feed off the fecal matter of adult fleas for a period of time.

Fleas cannot fly but are capable of jumping long distances. They are small, wingless insects. While they prefer dogs, cats, mice, rats, rabbits or squirrels, they will bite humans especially in places an animal does not exist. The adult flea is rather easy to see, especially when arriving home after an extended absence. The hungry fleas will quickly begin jumping around to land on humans or pets in their need for a blood meal. The flea eggs and larvae are another situation altogether. They are not easily seen and usually in out-of-the-way places such as under furniture, burrowed in the carpet, and even inside cracks and grooves in flooring. The eggs will fall off the host as the pet or mouse moves through the house.

Your Veterinarian can instruct you with the type of flea treatment to use on your pet, but getting rid of fleas in the home can be very difficult. It is estimated that one flea can live 3 or 4 months and deposit as many as 400-500 eggs during that time frame. As you can see, just a few fleas brought into the home can quickly become a serious infestation.

At Active Pest Control, our technicians are knowledgeable, have the experience, and utilize state-of-the-art technology to safely treat the entire home and solve your flea problems. We will also instruct you, prior to treatment, on how to prepare for treatment, making the process much easier and successful. Contact us today and let us eliminate fleas from your home.

Lets Talk About Ticks

Have you ever wondered what a tick really looks like? Perhaps you already know that they are a parasite, meaning they need a host to survive. In all actuality, they will take you or another human or pet as a host and feed on your blood. But don’t let that fact cause you to envision a huge vampire attacking you. The truth is they are various sizes depending on the level of maturity.

Ticks vary in color and size due to the different life cycles but are still easy to recognize. The adult has 8 legs and is wingless. Normally they are brown to reddish brown in color but the color can change to more of a greenish blue immediately after a blood meal. An adult tick is flat and oval shaped and about the size of an apple seed. Again, the size and shape changes after feeding on its host and becomes more like a balloon from gorging on blood.

Ticks in nymph stage are only about one-half the size of an adult but this only means they are harder to see. They will still attach to a host just as quickly. Newly hatched larvae are about the size of a grain of sand and almost impossible to see them on your body. However, do not let their size fool you. A tick in any life stage can still infect you with various diseases including the dreaded Lyme disease.

A tick bite should never be ignored. While most bites do not result in the transmission of diseases, the ones that do pose serious problems. A few of the diseases that can be transmitted from a tick bite includes Lyme disease, Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.

It is not possible to completely eradicate ticks from your property. This is because they usually arrive unannounced, riding on the body of wild animals or dogs that may be passing by. Yet there are some things you can do to reduce the probability of high infestations. Ticks like areas of high humidity and normally will migrate to areas of dense vegetation and tall grass. They are also found along the edge of wooded areas. It is recommended that you trim back the branches in wooded areas and keep weeds cut down and grass mowed short.

Treat your pets with tick preventatives obtained from your veterinarian. In addition to taking all precautionary measures, contact Active Pest Control for information on how we can limit the tick population on your property. With your preventive techniques and our expert treatment, you can still enjoy your outdoor activities!

Pest Control in Knoxville, Tennessee

It’s wintertime in Knoxville, so that means there is no need to worry about insects, rodents, or wildlife bothering you and your home, right? Well, it may be true that pests are generally a little less active in the winter months, but it is never a good idea to let down your guard against any pests no matter the date on the calendar. In fact, wintertime is the time when pests have sought the warmth of your attic and wall voids. They may be less active outside, but they are more active inside. A few things to think about in regards to wintertime pests:

  • 21 million homes in the United States are invaded each winter by rodents.
  • Rodents are carriers of diseases such as Hantavirus and salmonella. They also contaminate food and can bring lice, mites, ticks, and fleas into your home.
  • When rodents get into your home, they get into your wall voids and attic spaces and damage insulation, stored items, treasured keepsakes, and even wires, which can be a fire hazard.
  • Ants, cockroaches, and spiders in your home can cause allergies and asthma attacks. They are also known to transmit bacteria and damage and contaminate food sources.
  • If termites are present in your walls, they can eat away at the wood of your home for years without being detected. Even in winter, they will continue to devour your house 24 hours a day non-stop.

Residential Pest Control from Active Pest Control:

It is never a good idea to let down your guard against disease-spreading, home-destroying pests. That is why at Active Pest Control, we offer several pest control plans to fit our customer’s individual needs.

  • Active Pest Control EDGE: This plan includes year-round pest control for common household pests including ants, spiders, cockroaches, and other pests that commonly infest homes in the Knoxville area. One of our trained pest control technicians will visit and give your home a thorough inspection and take appropriate measures to eliminate invading pests. This is then followed up with quarterly visits. In addition, we offer re-service for free. This means if you have a pest problem arise between visits, we will gladly make an extra visit at no extra charge.
  • Active Pest Control ADVANTAGE: This plan encompasses all that the EDGE plan has but also includes rodent monitoring and control and the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System.
  • Active Pest Control COMPLETE: This includes all that the ADVANTAGE plan has, but also offers seasonal mosquito reduction and seasonal fire ant reduction.

If you don’t know what plan you need, that’s okay. When you contact us, we can send one of our pest control professionals to your home to do a thorough inspection, for free. There is no pressure to sign up for anything. They will let you know what you need and you can take your time to decide.

Protect your home, health, and property by taking advantage of one of our comprehensive pest control plans. You don’t have to fight those pests alone. Active Pest Control can help.

Professional Pest Control vs DIY

There are basically three categories of pests that can invade your Atlanta home: nuisance pests, dangerous pests, and destructive pests. I know, I know, pests are pests and you really don’t want any in your home! I agree! No pest is a good pest – ever! However, understanding the dangers these pests pose and the stress they cause is the first step in deciding what to do about controlling them.

  1. Nuisance pests such as silverfish, box elder bugs, stink bugs, and moles are merely that – a nuisance! They don’t typically cause any illness in humans and they do not destroy the structure of your home. They do, however, cause a high degree of stress as you try to get rid of them; and, in the case of bed bugs in particular, they can cause embarrassment and emotional strain. Even though they really pose no danger to you, they are definitely unwanted house guests!
  2. Dangerous pests such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, rodents, venomous spiders, cockroaches, and some bees actually have the potential to cause illness to humans and pets. While the degree of illness incurred varies widely depending on the pest, these pests are ones you definitely want far from you and your family. There is no compromise when it comes to dangerous pests – getting them out and keeping them out is the only option!
  3. Destructive pests such as termites, carpenter ants, mice, and squirrels can actually compromise the integrity of your home. These pests either ‘eat’ wood, burrow through it, or constantly chew it to control the growth of their teeth. In the case of mice and rats, they actually will chew wires causing a huge fire risk! All of them pose a danger to the structure of your home and most insurance carriers won’t cover the cost of repairs caused by them. None of the pests in this category can be allowed to gain access to your home!

It is pretty easy to see that no matter which category of pest you are dealing with, the answer is the same: get rid of them! The only question is, “How?” There are so many ‘over the counter’ DIY products that claim to be effective. How on earth do you know which one to buy? And, how on earth do you know for sure that they will work? Are they even safe? So many questions! The truth is, these products contain dangerous chemicals, and if not mixed or applied properly, they can cause serious harm. On top of that, many of these products do not have the ‘reach’ needed to find their way to the center of your infestation – mainly the nest! They may kill some of the pests that are on the surface, they may even kill a few that are just behind the baseboard and happen to be there exactly when you spray; but they will not reach all the way into the ‘bowels’ of your home to eliminate the entire colony. It’s kind of like putting a band aid on a broken bone! It won’t really help.

The best, safest and surest option is calling a pest control specialist like the experts here at Active Pest Control. Our pest control specialists have received extensive training in the various products we use and in their proper use and application. They know exactly how to find and properly identify the type, scope, and location of your infestation; and they know exactly how to safely and quickly eliminate it. We are a family owned and operated company with a vested interest in the communities we serve, are QualityPro certified, and are one of the top 25 pest control companies in the whole country! It’s that kind of tried and tested service that allows you to have the utmost confidence that your pest issues will be dealt with safely and effectively. We guarantee it!

Life With Earwigs

Earwigs. You typically don’t give these little pests much thought, until one scrambles out from under the plant pot you just picked up off the front porch. You jump at first as you stare at this strange little creature and then a movement near your hand catches your eye. You thought there was only one, but now you realize that there are dozens of them falling, scurrying, and scrambling from the planter in your hands. Instantly grossed out you quickly drop the planter and jump back. Those bugs are so quick – and so strange – almost prehistoric! They look as if they could take quite a chunk out of your skin. Are they dangerous? Do they bite? Do they carry diseases? What do they eat? Why are they a problem?

So many great questions! Let’s see if we can answer them. First of all, earwigs, or pincher bugs, are small reddish/brown insects that have “pinchers” that protrude from the end of their abdomen. These pinchers, or cerci, are basically used to grab and hold food. They do not typically “bite”, but they will pinch you with their cerci if they feel threatened. The pinch can be painful; however, they will rarely break the skin of a person. They are not known for carrying diseases or transporting germs from place to place; therefore, they are considered to be mostly a nuisance pest.

Secondly, they are very shy creatures and will ‘scurry’ quickly for cover when they are found. Earwigs prefer dark, moist, undisturbed places close to dirt so they can easily find food. They do not tolerate dry sunny conditions for long and will search for a cool, damp place like your garage, shed, basement, bathroom, or kitchen to escape those conditions. They will sometimes enter your home in or on newspapers, boxes, outdoor furniture, or plants that you bring inside. Most often, however, they come in through cracks and small holes in your foundation, tears in your screens, or under worn door sweeps.

Lastly, these odd little creatures eat mainly decaying organic matter; although, they will eat live plants – especially the tender young ones. It is true that no one likes to have these creatures running through their homes and invading pantries and cupboards, but the greatest danger from earwigs is in their ability to damage or destroy gardens, flower beds, and ornamental shrubs and trees. They are particularly fond of corn! They can certainly wreak havoc in these areas and cost you time and money as you work to replace plants and suffer the loss of crops.

When you are faced with an earwig infestation on your property, it is a wise decision to contact a professional pest control expert like Active Pest Control. Here at Active Pest Control, we have been helping our friends and neighbors protect their homes and businesses from insects, like the earwig, for nearly 40 years. You can count on our technicians to accurately identify pests, eliminate them, and then determine the access points they are using to infiltrate your property. Once that is done, we will offer helpful solutions to eliminate those access points and prevent these pests from returning. Pest free peace of mind is what it’s all about when you partner with us, because when bugs are gone, it’s Active Pest Control.

Stink Bug Invasion

Invasion season has begun! Homeowners throughout the region have recently been spotting rather large brown or green bugs crawling around windows, doors, and exterior walls of their house. These armies of invaders, unaffectionately called stink bugs, have one goal in mind and that is to gain access to the warmth and comfort of your home. They have a natural instinct that alerts them and lets them know that the cold winter months are just around the corner. The focus of this very unwelcome bug is to find a crack or crevice big enough for them to fit through and take up residence inside the house.

Stink bugs are exactly that—bugs that stink! While this appears to be a very simple statement, any homeowner who does not recognize these nuisance pests and swats or steps on them will suddenly find out why they are called stink bugs. The stink bug puts off a very unpleasant smell that one doesn’t easily forget. If they gain entrance into the home, the preferred method of removal may be with the use of a vacuum cleaner. Even then, be sure and change the vacuum filter as the smell can linger for some time.

Stink bugs are threatening to the agricultural industry and local gardeners. They are especially fond of fruit trees. However, the good news is they do not bite or sting humans or pets. Neither do they cause structural damage to property. As with all household pests, the key to stink bug control is prevention. As stated in the old idiom, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Once stink bugs get inside the attic or walls of the home, they are extremely difficult to remove. There are several tips that homeowners should apply that will prevent stink bugs from invading the home.

Think like a bug and search your home for any gap or crack in the exterior of your house. Look around windows and doors for any crack and repair accordingly with caulking. This is an easy and inexpensive repair that will keep pests out and increase the heating efficiency of your home. Check the foundation for any cracks that may have developed and seal shut. You may also place a section of window screen over attic louvers and soffit vents.

Active Pest Control understands the aggravation of homeowners when it comes to removing unwanted guests. Our technicians are highly trained and able to make your home pest-free*. Our pest solutions plans will provide a year-round solution for stink bugs and other common household pests. You will find peace of mind by contacting Active Pest Control today for the perfect solution to your pest problems.

It’s Fall, What’s All the Stink About?

Well, it’s that time of year again. The weather starts to cool off giving us warm wonderful less-humid days and cool, crisp nights. The leaves begin their annual ritual of changing from their deep hues of green to their dancing fall colors of red, yellow, and orange. You cannot go for a drive anywhere without at least a glimpse of this remarkable beauty. This truly is one of the most beautiful times of year in Tennessee, but it also signifies a change.

The carefree days of summer have come to an end, and it is time to begin preparing for the winter months. We think about filling the fuel tank in preparation for heating costs this winter. We also reluctantly start picking up lawn furniture and ornaments to store through the cold months. The leaves begin to fall, so our weekends are filled with raking up this forlorn foliage and bagging it for disposal or burning it in the fire. It is the time of year when we give our vehicles a once over making sure they have the proper amount of tread on the tires, the windshield fluids are topped off, the radiator has the proper levels in it, and the oil is changed.

It is the time of year when the harvest comes in, and we reap the bounty of our crops. The weather is finally cool enough to light the ovens and we begin to bake our apple pies and apple crisp with those red juices overflowing from the trees. There is hardly a home where the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg is not flowing from the kitchen windows. Along with it, you can usually smell the fresh, baked bread as that warm, yeasty scent fills the air and wafts through the window. The squash is finally ready and the potatoes are fresh for harvest. It is a wonderful time of year full of harvest and feasting, but it is also full of preparations and toil.

We are not the only ones that spend our fall feasting and preparing for the cold months ahead. Stink bugs and other pesky insects are doing the same thing. Those shield shaped, tannish stink bugs are not just gathering on the walls of your home or barn to catch a few rays in hopes of a darker suntan. They are actually working. That’s right, working. They are in search of the tiniest of cracks or crevices that will allow them entry into your home for the winter. After spending the summer months feasting on your fruits, vegetables, and flowers, they are now ready to settle down for a long winter’s nap inside of your house.

These odd looking little creatures really can cause quite a stir once they choose your house as their winter destination. Although these little pests are not known for carrying diseases to humans, although not very commonly reported, they are known to cause allergic reactions and skin rashes in some people, so that fall cold you think you have may actually be the rhinitis or conjunctivitis that the stink bug shared with you!

These insects will actually gather in very large numbers, so if you have seen one inside, just look around – you just might see hundreds more emerging from your baseboards, ceiling fans, light fixtures, and door or window frames. Then, just try stepping on one or squishing it with your hands – but be sure to hold your nose. The smell of rotten cucumber will fill your nostrils and send you running for the door! So as you begin all your fall preparations, don’t forget to make sure you prepare for the invasion of stink bugs and other pests. Preventative measures need to be taken now in order to spend the winter in a pest-free* home.

  • Fix cracks around windows and doors
  • Be sure your screens are in good working order and have no gaps or tears
  • Fill any holes around utility pipes and chimneys with silicone or latex caulking
  • Keep bagged leaves and debris or piles of them stored away from your house
  • Make sure your trash cans have tightly covered lids and are emptied regularly
  • Inspect your foundation for signs of trouble and repair any breaches
  • Keep gutters and drains free from debris and in good working order

When fall preparations bring you face to face with unwanted pests, give Active Pest Control a call. We have the expertise and experience to safely deal with your pest issues. Our family owned pest control company has been dealing with pests for almost 40 years; and has the training and technology to eliminate pests while protecting your environment. So, whether you are dealing with stink bugs or any of the myriad of fall pests that want to wander in your home, we are on the job waiting to serve you with friendly, professional service.

Fruit Flies in Tennessee

I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but fruit flies seem to be everywhere this year. They have been seen swarming around kitchen counters and sinks all across Tennessee in large numbers, hovering over fruits in the local grocery store, and swarming over farm stands along the roadside. They never seem to bite – although you may feel as if they are climbing all over you just at the sight of them!

So, what exactly are these pesky, tiny flies anyway? Well, these oval shaped flies grow up to be a whopping 1/8” long with red eyes and a tan or brown body. They are prolific breeders and will reproduce anywhere they can find moist, fermenting organic materials. This may include your sink, tub, showers, or floor drains, especially if they are rarely used. They love to breed in trashcans, under leaking pipes, and under refrigerators! They will also breed in old bottles and cans that are left lying around or in and around your kitchen fruit bowls! Fruit flies just love anywhere that offers them light and moisture. No wonder we see them everywhere – They are everywhere!! These tiny, little, itty-bitty flies sure are huge nuisance!

Although not known for carrying diseases on their own, they do crawl around in decaying organic matter inside drains, trash cans, and all things gross, and then they crawl all over your counters, fruits, and vegetables with those same legs. Certainly not a very appetizing thought is it? And, where you see adult fruit flies, you can be certain that there are a whole bunch of larvae nearby just waiting to hatch! No matter how you slice it, fruit flies have got to go!

That’s where our professional pest control technicians here at Active Pest Control come in. Here at Active Pest Control, we are a family owned business, and we treat our staff and clients just like part of the family. It is our goal to offer you the same trustworthy, friendly service we would expect for our families. Making you pest free, while offering complete satisfaction to you, is our top priority. That is why we offer our pest control plans that give you the coverage that you need within your budget.

So if you are experiencing the difficult fight with fruit flies or any of the other fall pests, just give us a call. We will safely and effectively eliminate your pest issues, giving your peace of mind this fall.

Tennessee Moths

You may have noticed those flittery, fluttery moths break dancing all around your outside lights at night and not ever given them a thought. They are so common that they just seem like part of the scenery by now. You never even really stop to consider much about them, but did you know that they can cause extensive damage if allowed to sneak into your home?

That’s right! There are two primary types of moth that you are likely to encounter here in Tennessee that are known predators of the clothes and soft goods that you treasure. These hungry beasties won’t think twice about munching a hole into your Michael Kors woolen jacket, or snacking on the Vera Wang hanging in the back of your closet.

So, here’s the 411 on these destructive, little moths.

Webbing Clothes Moth: This moth is the most common in the U.S. The adult moth is buff to golden in color with a tuft of red hair on its head. The larvae stage of this moth forms silk webbing wherever they feed. You probably won’t even notice them until you see the webs attached to your favorite sweater and the holes and geometric grazing patterns running across it. Your clothes and fabrics that are keratin-based are their choice menu items. This includes garments made from wool, fur, and hair of animal origin. They typically will not feed on any plant-based materials.

Casemaking Clothes Moth: This moth is second only to the Webbing Clothes Moth in numbers and is equal in ability to cause damage to your soft goods. The adult moth is also buff to golden in color, but has a more distinctive brown tone to it. Rather than a red tuft on its head, this moth has three dark spots on the front of its wings. The larvae stage of this moth spins a silken tube that it carries around with it, and attaches to fabrics and materials that are either keratin-based or plant based. Their favorite munchies include: tobacco, herbs, spices, hemp, and furs.

The best way to avoid costly repairs or expensive replacement of your favorite clothes is to be sure that you use proper storage methods. Clean your clothing before you store them. Moths are attracted to semi-soiled materials. Also be sure to seal clothing in airtight bags to ensure that moths do not have access to them. With proper identification and treatment, you can avoid having your Pierre Cardin on the menu this fall.

If you are dealing with moths or any other pest infestation, be sure to call the experts here at Active Pest Control for help. Our pest control plans are set up to help you avoid pests while fitting into your budget. With a year round plan, your pest worries will be nothing more than a past nightmare. Let our courteous, professional technicians help you protect your home and clothing investments. Call today for your inspection and begin your personalized pest control treatment so you too will look lovely in your perfectly preserved pest-free* fall colors.