5 Ways to Keep Rodents Away This Fall

5 Ways to Keep Rodents Away This Fall in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlIt’s fall, meaning it’s the season of the rodent! Every year in the fall and winter here in Atlanta, the number of rodent infestations goes way up. But why? As temperatures begin to dip this time of year, rat and mouse problems begin to get worse as the pests look for somewhere to bunker down for the winter. With Rodent Awareness Week around the corner, the experts at Active Pest Control are here to share all you need to know about seasonal rodent infestations, including what you can do to keep them at bay. Read on to learn more!

How to Keep Rats and Mice Away in Atlanta

Rodents are very apt at getting into your home much easier than you’d think. Mice, in particular, can squeeze through openings the size of a pencil eraser, and rats are extremely apt jumpers and climbers. In fact, some rodents can scale vertical walls, including brick and concrete walls. Needless to say, it’s important to learn how to make your property inaccessible to them entirely.

Our top five tips to keep rodents away are as follows.

  1. Inspect your property to look for any openings rodents may have snuck through. By sealing these openings and closing up gaps around vents and soffits, you can effectively keep rodents out.
  2. Further rat-proof your property by repairing your roof and monitoring drains. By limiting their access points, you can get rid of the means by which rodents get inside of your property.
  3. Look into traps and baits. If you have just a couple of rodents in your property, you can effectively get rid of them using bait or traps. Keep in mind this is not a strong enough solution for an entire infestation.
  4. Implement preventative measures. Simple pest prevention measures go a long way to keep rodents away, too. This includes taking proper care of your yard and maintaining a tidy yard.
  5. Get professional rodent control services. If you have a serious rodent problem, the best thing you can do is hire a pest control expert. A professional will know to safely and effectively get rid of the pests for good.

Rodent Prevention in the Fall

Every Rodent Awareness Week, the rodent exterminators at Active Pest Control aim to educate our community about the dangers of rodent infestations. To avoid them, it’s crucial to put a stop to rats getting inside in the first place. To learn more about keeping rats and mice out this fall and winter, contact us today to learn more!

What’s That Bug in Your Bathroom?

What silverfish look like in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlThe bathroom is the place where we go to get clean. The last thing we want is for our bathrooms to be teeming with unwanted critters! Many kinds of pests are attracted to the moisture and humidity that accumulates in our bathrooms, whether that be for hospitable temperatures, water to drink, or to prey on the insects that are gathering there. Read on to learn from the experts at Active Pest Control about the types of pests that congregate in our Atlanta bathrooms.

Common Pests Found in the Bathroom

These three pests are some of the most common bathroom-dwellers in Atlanta GA:

  1. Ants: Some ants are attracted to the sweet scents of perfumes, body washes, shampoos, and other hygiene and beauty products in our bathrooms. They stick around for the standing water in our showers and sinks.
  2. Cockroaches: Roaches thrive in dark and humid environments, so if you have leaky pipes in the cabinets under your sink, you are creating the ideal home for roaches. They will also go so far as to eat soap and toothpaste!
  3. Silverfish: Silverfish are attracted to the same qualities in our bathrooms as roaches. However, they have a much harder time climbing smooth surfaces, so if you’re having trouble identifying the pests at the bottom of your shower or sink, you might be dealing with silverfish.

Centipedes, spiders, and drain flies are all also commonly found in bathrooms in our area.

How to Prevent Pests in Your Bathroom

Keeping pests out of your bathroom starts with keeping things dry. Here are some extra measures that you can adopt into your regular cleaning routine:

  • Wipe up standing water on countertops, water fixtures, and the floor
  • Keep your bathroom properly ventilated—opening windows and using a fan can help reduce moisture on your walls caused by a hot shower
  • Regularly check your plumbing fixtures for cracks or leaks
  • Clean up residue from toothpaste, soap, or other hygiene products often

Following these steps should significantly reduce your liability for a pest outbreak in your bathroom. These tenets apply throughout your house, too—excess moisture and unnecessary filth always attract pests!

Keeping Your Bathroom Pest-Free in Atlanta GA

If you’re having trouble keeping pests out of your bathroom in Atlanta, talk to your local pest control company about your problem. At Active Pest Control, we train our technicians to perform comprehensive inspections, finding every potential source of excess moisture or other pest-inviting vulnerabilities. For more information on our services or a free quote, contact us today!

No-See-Ums vs Gnats vs Mosquito Bites—What’s the Difference?

Mice found in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Bug bites come in all kinds of varieties. Some types of insects attack you through the air, some sneak up your leg when you’re not looking, some pounce at the peak of daylight, some travel by night. Unfortunately, here in Atlanta GA, we’re always justified in being slightly on edge about pests.

Winged insects can be quite successful in biting us and getting away unscathed. No-see-ums, gnats, and mosquitoes are among the peskiest pests in the area, and their bites are commonly confused for each other. Keep reading for Active Pest Control’s top tips on identifying them and their bites.

Gnats vs No-See-Ums vs Mosquitoes

These three pests are some of the biggest nuisance insects in our region. We’ve all probably had an encounter with them at some point—here’s how you can tell the difference between them next time you do:

  • Gnats: Gnats are tiny flies that often gather in “clouds” of hundreds or even thousands of individuals. They have gray to black-colored bodies and often live around damp soil, fruit that has been left out, or plumbing fixtures.
  • No-see-ums: No-see-ums are actually a particular kind of gnat. They only reach about 1/16” long, enabling them to fit through tiny gaps, even window screen holes.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are much larger than all kinds of gnats. They have long wings and a needle-like proboscis on their mouth that allows them to draw blood.

The Differences Between These Bug Bites

One way you can tell apart these insects is by their bite marks. Mosquitoes, gnats, and no-see-ums all work differently, and this shows itself in how we react to their bites. These are the main differences between their bites:

  1. Gnat bites: These look like small, red, irritated bumps. They look a lot like mosquito bites.
  2. Mosquito bites: Mosquito bites are usually lighter in color and less likely to take place around your face. They are often more spread out than gnat bites.
  3. No-see-um bites: These last longer than mosquito bites because of the way the no-see-um damages your skin when they bite you. They are usually more painful and take longer to heal.

In short, you can compare gnat bites and mosquito bites by their proximity to each other, their darkness in color, and how long they last.

Avoiding Bug Bites in Atlanta GA

Covering your skin with long-sleeved clothing and using insect repellent are some of the best ways to avoid bug bites on your own. However, if there is a relentless presence of biting bugs around your home, you might have a problem larger than you can deal with without professional help. At Active Pest Control, we have experience eliminating no-see-um, gnat, and mosquito populations all across Atlanta GA. We can deal with your pest outbreak and make sure you never experience another with routine checkups and maintenance work. For a free quote, contact us today!

Do Cockroaches Only Come Out at Night?

CockroachesA cockroach found in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control are some of the grossest pests that we deal with here in Atlanta GA. A cockroach infestation is often the sign of an unkempt kitchen or bathroom. These pests feed on any food source that they can find in your home, from crumbs to leftovers, to pet food, to all kinds of decaying natural matter. The problem with roaches is that they often move discreetly, so you may not find them until your problem is out of hand.

So, do cockroaches only come out at night? And what does it mean if you find them in your home during the day? The roach experts at Active Pest Control have the answers—read on to learn!

Are Cockroaches Nocturnal Insects?

Yes, cockroaches are nocturnal, but this doesn’t mean that you’ll never see them during the day. Like most insects, they spend a majority of the day in states of inactivity or very minimal activity. They will spend this time resting in dark, moist places in or around your home, which could be:

  • Underneath sinks and inside cabinets
  • Near plumbing fixtures
  • Behind wallpaper and in wall paneling
  • Underneath mats and rugs
  • In piles of trash or clutter, and more

Once the sun sets, the roaches will take to the floors and walls to scavenge for any sort of foot materials that they can find.

Why Do Cockroaches Come Out During the Day?

Seeing roaches crawling around inside your home usually means that there is a serious infestation going on. The roach resting places have possibly become so overcrowded that they have started staggering times of activity. In order to find enough food to eat, they will have to go against their bodies’ natural patterns of sleep and activity to sustain themselves.

When you find roaches in your house during the day, you’ll likely jump to take any measures you can to get rid of them. Unfortunately, roaches are some of the most resilient pests on the planet and take serious strategy and power to eradicate. People often find that cheap insecticides and traps to use on your own fall far short of dealing with their cockroach infestation.

Cockroach Infestations in Atlanta GA

Some ways to prevent cockroach infestations include keeping a clean bathroom and kitchen, sealing your food and storing it properly, routinely checking for leaks in plumbing fixtures, and other measures associated with general cleanliness. Once an infestation actually develops in your home, the work is best left to a professional pest control company. At Active Pest Control, we pride ourselves on eliminating roach infestations safely and quickly, as well as teaching our customers how to prevent future roach outbreaks for good. For a free quote, contact us today!

The Trouble with Termites: How Termites Can Ruin Your Home

If you’ve ever experienced a termite infestation, then you know how devastating it can be to have to deal with getting rid of the colony, addressing the structural damage, and preventing future infestations. It can be a long and difficult process, but fortunately, it can also be manageable with help from the right pest control […]

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Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting

Bee Sting vs Wasp Sting in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Especially in the summertime here in Atlanta GA, the chances of getting a bug bite while spending time outdoors are likely. The main culprits? Bees and wasps! These stinging insects typically prefer to mind their own business, but there are times when they can and will sting people nearby. Many people call any type of sting a “bee sting”, but the truth is, wasps are responsible for more stinging incidents. While the reactions from their stings can be similar, the nature of when and how bees or wasps sting can be different. The stinging insect experts at Active Pest Control are here to help set the record straight on bee stings vs wasp stings—read on to learn more!

Did I Get Stung By a Wasp or a Bee?

Bees and wasps differ widely in appearance and temperament. What makes them sting someone, as well as how the sting feels itself, also differs by species. In general, bees are not aggressive and thus unlikely to sting unless directly provoked. Honey bees are the bees that will lodge their stinger in the person they sting, causing them to die shortly afterwards. Other bees can sting repeatedly, but it is rare for them to do so.

Wasp stings are known to be more painful than bee stings. This is due in part to the fact that wasps are capable of stinging repeatedly—often in the same spot. Wasps are more aggressive and will sting at will, especially when they are provoked or when their nest is threatened.

Bee vs wasp sting infographic

Wasp or Bee Sting Reactions

There are a number of symptoms associated with bee and wasp stings. Usually, the reactions to a sting by either of these pests are largely the same. After being stung, it’s important to remove the stinger (if it was lodged) and immediately clean the area with antibiotics. Some of the common reactions to a bee sting vs wasp sting include:

  • A sharp, stinging pain at the site of the bite.
  • Swollen, red bumps wherever a bite occurred.
  • Itchiness and irritation.
  • A numb feeling at the site of the bite.

More serious reactions can happen, especially if someone is allergic to bees or wasps. Anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting can start within two hours of the incident and rapidly get worse. Immediately get to a doctor if you start to break out in hives or have trouble breathing.

Who to Call for Wasp or Bee Problems

Bees and wasps are a normal part of our environment. In fact, they play an essential role in pollinating our flowers and foliage! That said, stings are a common occurrence in the spring and summer. If stinging insects build a nest on or near your property, it’s crucial that you contact a local bee and wasp removal expert to deal with the problem. Trying to get rid of them yourself can leave you vulnerable to being stung repeatedly. Contact the team at Active Pest Control today!

How Ant Infestations Start in Your House

An ant infestation in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlAnts are tricky little pests—they always seem to find a way in, and no one seems to be exempt from ant problems. They build colonies by the thousands right outside our homes and swarm indoors to raid our kitchens and pantries for food. Almost everyone in Atlanta GA can relate to the experience of finding a trail of ants in the house that appeared out of nowhere.

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely dealing with that problem right now, wondering, “how did these ants get in, and what do they want?” Our team at Active Pest Control has the answers, and can help you make sure it never happens again!

How Does an Ant Infestation Usually Start?

Ants usually work their way into homes with the promise of free food in mind. If an ant locates a food source, it will emit a pheromone signal to the rest of its colony that tells them to follow behind. At this point, a trail starts to form, transporting food bit by bit back to the colony. Ants are primarily attracted to these foods:

  • Sweets, such as soda or candy
  • Fruit
  • Meat
  • Bread and grains

Some people store their food away properly and still deal with ant problems. If this is the case for you, the problem could lie on the outside of the house. Especially in the winter, ants will be on the lookout for warmth and shelter, so they will use any gap that they can to sneak into your home. Ants often get indoors through:

  • Broken plumbing fixtures
  • Ventilation systems
  • Holes in foundation
  • Gaps in brickwork, wood paneling, or elsewhere

How ants get into your house in Atlanta GA - Active Pest ControlWhat Can I Do to Stop Ants?

Keeping a tidy bathroom and kitchen is your first step to proper ant prevention. Your bathroom might be a hotspot for ants due to excess moisture spilling over from your shower or sink. Keep your bathroom ventilated by turning on a fan or opening a window to reduce moisture buildup. As for your kitchen, clean up spills and wash your dishes promptly, and use a lemon-scented or vinegar-based cleaner to deal with any messes.

To ant-proof your outdoor area, we recommend taking these courses of action:

  1. Inspect the outside of your house for any unnecessary openings and close them off
  2. Install screens on your doors and windows or fix torn screens
  3. Seal up any broken plumbing fixtures
  4. Store your trash bins a reasonable distance away from your home

Professional Ant Prevention Services in Atlanta GA

We get a lot of calls from people who just can’t figure out how to get rid of ants in the house. There’s nothing to be ashamed of; for their resilience and cunning nature, ants are impressive insects! For help dealing with an ant infestation in Atlanta GA call your local pest control company. The expert ant control technicians at Active Pest Control have years of experience tending to the pest problems of homes in Atlanta GA and have built up the experience to swiftly wipe out ant infestations of any species. For a free quote, contact us today!

Are Mosquitoes Active At Night?

Are Mosquitoes Active At Night? in Atlanta GA - Active Pest Control

Summer is the season of mosquitoes here in Atlanta, but they can also be active in the spring and linger into the fall months. Mosquito activity sparks when the temperature begins to be consistently about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They also prefer warm, humid temperatures and avoid daylight. We know mosquitoes are active in the early morning hours, but what about at night? Mosquitoes are very active at dusk, which is when many of us like to be outdoors in the summer.

By knowing about when and where mosquitoes are most active in your area, you can better protect yourself from their bites. Read on to learn more with the mosquito experts at Active Pest Control!

Mosquitoes at Night in Atlanta

In the heat of the day, mosquitoes typically prefer to hide in the shade to avoid getting dehydrated. Their aversion to the sun is why these pests are most active during the morning hours and at dusk, when the sun is at its lowest and the temperature is cooler. Because of their preference for shady areas, mosquitoes frequent shaded woods, wetlands, marshes, and ponds throughout the daytime. If you are spending time outdoors at dawn and dusk, it’s important to stay vigilant about preventing their bites. A natural way to stay safe from mosquitoes is to plan your outdoor activities in the middle of the day.

Preventing Mosquito Activity At Dawn & Dusk

Whether you’re planning on hosting an evening dinner party in your yard or want to take an early morning hike, it’s important to learn how you can best protect yourself against mosquito activity. Here’s what to do:

    1. When spending time outdoors in the summer make sure to wear loose, light-colored clothing. If possible, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to keep your skin protected.
    2. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, apply an EPA-registered insect repellent containing DEET. Before using on children, make sure to consult your pediatrician.
    3. To prevent mosquitoes in your yard, cover or remove standing water, maintain your yard, and install fans to get the air moving and repel weak-flying mosquitoes.

Get Rid Of Mosquitoes At Night

If you are dealing with endless mosquito problems at night, it’s time to enlist the help of your local mosquito control experts. At Active Pest Control, our team will implement mosquito exclusion tactics to make your property less attractive to mosquitoes in the first place. To say goodbye to mosquito problems all summer long, contact us today to get started!